Run to setup. After that, reboot system and it will start on boot.
Script reads list of all devices to ping and creates two processes for each device: 1. Process that does ping: 2. Process that does trace: 3. Process that runs ping_device and traceroute_device for all devices in csv file devices.csv
There is csv file devices that has in line IP adress of device that needs to be traced. They are stored in /usr/share/trace-network/ and called traceroute_devices.csv and ping_devices.csv. Each line contains IP adress of device and time to sleep until next ping/traceroute. Parameters are separated with whitespace. If sleep time is not provided, 2s are default.
Currently accepts 3 parameters: 1. ip addres in form of string 2. start date time in form of string: yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mm,ss (separated with comma) 3. duration if form of string of seconds how long should be plotted from start date time
It reads directories from test_data directory and creates 0-1 range on plot for each one of them. Further it reads var/log/trace-network/ping_ip_address.log file from each one of them, where ip_address is given. 1 Represents ping working correctly and 0 is failing. If point does not exist, device was not logging.