"If you don't think you have a quality problem with your data, you haven't looked at it yet."
Every researcher has experienced one or multiple of the following situations:
- A problem that you are not sure how to solve
- No space to think about new ideas and ways of pushing the research forward
- having the data but no idea what to do next
- having the data in a bad shape and no research assistant to fix them
- need to produce a map for a presentation/article/book
We offer our expertise in various areas related to the typical research data cycle, such as the spatial data capture and their display, data cleaning and manipulation, and the wonderful world of bibliographic reference managers. Our meetings will have a different theme every week, but feel free to bring your own ideas and issues.
Let’s meet together on Friday afternoon to talk about your research ideas in a friendly and an informal environment. The solutions to the problems you have are possibly just one chat away…
Where to go: The Australian Hearing Hub, Level 2, the kitchen / lounge area
When: Fridays, 3-5 PM
Who’s behind all this: Adela & Petra
Who should come: Greek or geek, everyone is welcome
17 November 2017: Spatial data
- Maps: Key concepts
- Creating maps for teaching and presentations (from Google Earth to Fusion tables and Carto.com)
- Publication quality maps
24 November 2017: Got dirty data?
- Batch data cleaning (Open Refine, Excel Fu)
- Basic semi-automated text mining
1 December 2017: Citation managers
- Navigating the landscape. Come and learn the difference between Endnote, Mendeley, Paperpile and Zotero
Any Friday: Bring your own problem, we'll look at it.
Adela & Petra
If you would like to know more, please contact us at petra@fedarch.org or adela@fedarch.org