This new LiveText build includes several bugfixes and resolves many potential memory leaks, leading us to declare this version as the Release Candidate of our assignment.
- [NEW] Added TCP KeepAlive functionality on textserver, to automatically remove non-responding clients
- Improved handling of clipboard MIME data by extending HTML parsing capabilities (with better performance)
- Resolved many (confirmed or potential) memory leaks in both the editor and the landing page
- Server socket buffers are now properly isolated, fixing several related bugs and improving stability
- Rework of the method used to show all modal dialog windows, to avoid crashes happening on forceLogout/forceDocumentClose errors
- Improved server logging
- The color red (along previous colors) is now correctly assigned to users opening a document
- Fix some dialog windows not having the proper focus
- Fix error popups not always appearing on top and not stealing the focus of all other opened windows
- Fix rendering of transparency elements in online user icons
- Fix a crash caused by the status bar internal timer
- Fix crash happening when editing a line with justified format
- Fix a bug making increment/decrement font size buttons unusable
- Fix a bunch of different misbehaviours in case of error signals