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Angular Http Service Component Generation

Generate Angular 5 Http Service Component out of sqlite3 table layout

Angular Project is from Angular In Action Ch.2 Example (Credit to Author : Jeremy Wilken)

YES, I PURCHASED THIS BOOK (Angular In Action I made minor changes in order to demonstrate sqlite3 integration (angular-in-action-stock folder. src/ only).


  • EgiSample : Appweb 2 start-up program. public/ has a production version of stock project.
  • angular-in-action-stock : src/ folder only.
  • codegen : python script to read database.xlsx and generate *.cpp/*.h/*.ts.
  • lib : EgiForm, jsoncpp, sqlite3 - linked to EgiSample/simgpleEgi application.
  • test : SQL test scripts.


Portfolio.csv (Portfolio tab from database.xlsx. Each tab represents a SQL table.)

Field Type
companySymbol string
companyName string
lastTradePriceOnly number
change number
changeInPercent number

Stock.csv has the same schema to make simpler the whole process.

stocks.db is the sample databse created by It has two tables (Portfolio and Stock)

Code Generation

codegen/ created the following files from Portfolio tab of database.xlsx

  • Portfolio.cpp
  • Portfolio.h
  • rest_api_class_types.include : command enum, error code
  • rest_api_switch_handler_pre.include : SQL INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE STATEMENT
  • rest_api_switch_handler_post.include : SQL SELECT STATEMENT
  • rest_api_switch_handler_column.include : Extract a value from each column
  • portfolio.service.ts: Angular Http Service for Portfolio Table. POST for all INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/SELECT operations.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
let service: string = '/json.egi';

export interface PortfolioInterface {
	companySymbol : string;
	companyName : string;
	lastTradePriceOnly : number;
	change : number;
	changeInPercent : number;

export class PortfolioService {

  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
  add(portfolio) {   
     var payload = { action:402  , companySymbol:portfolio.companySymbol , companyName:portfolio.companyName , lastTradePriceOnly:portfolio.lastTradePriceOnly , change:portfolio.change , changeInPercent:portfolio.changeInPercent };
     return<Array<PortfolioInterface>>(service, JSON.stringify(payload));
  load( key ) {
    var payload = { action:403, keys : key };
    return<Array<PortfolioInterface>>(service, payload); 
  update(portfolio) {  
     var payload = { action:404   , companySymbol:portfolio.companySymbol , companyName:portfolio.companyName , lastTradePriceOnly:portfolio.lastTradePriceOnly , change:portfolio.change , changeInPercent:portfolio.changeInPercent };
     return<Array<PortfolioInterface>>(service, JSON.stringify(payload));
  remove(portfolio) {
    var payload = { action:405 , companySymbol:portfolio.companySymbol };
    return<Array<PortfolioInterface>>(service, JSON.stringify(payload));

Change Log on "angular-in-action/stocks" Project

.load([ ]) means read all entries from the table.

src/components/dashboard/dashboard.component.ts : IntervalObservable

Read all records(selected stock symbols) from PORTFOLIO table first and Read stock symbols(selected stock symbols only) from STOCK table.

constructor(private selectedStock : PortfolioService, private unselectedStock  : StockService ) {
ngOnInit() {
              ... );
   this.httpSubscription = IntervalObservable.create(3000).subscribe(() => {
              ... );

src/components/dashboard/manage.component.ts : forkJoin

Read all records from PORTFOLIO table and STOCK table.

constructor(private selectedStock : PortfolioService, private unselectedStock  : StockService ) {
ngOnInit() {
    this.joinHandler = Observable.forkJoin([
    ]).subscribe(data => {
      for (var stock of data[0] ) { // selectedStock
           this.selectedSymbols.push( stock.companySymbol );
      for (var stock of data[1] ) { // selectedStock
           this.unselectedSymbols.push( stock.companySymbol );

src/components/dashboard/manage.component.html : combine *ngFor and *ngIf.

Display non-selected stock symbols on available stock table.

    <table class="mdl-data-table mdl-data-table--selectable mdl-shadow--2dp" style="width: 100%;">
        <ng-container *ngFor="let symbol of unselectedSymbols">
        <tr *ngIf="checkSymbols(symbol)"> 
          <td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">{{symbol}}</td>
          <td style="padding-top: 6px;">
            <button class="mdl-button" (click)="add(symbol)">Add</button>


Appweb 2 Webserver

EGI handler manages POST requests for all requests from URI:json.egi. POST operations only. No JSON file is generated for this demo.

POST buffer size is fixed. Additional adjustment might be required. (Appweb is for an embbeded system)

test/ & test/ are to validate http post requests/responses.


1. sqlite3_column_text

If you need those strings after you call sqlite3_finalize then you'll have to copy them into memory that you control. In fact, due to the are valid until a type conversion occurs note, you should copy them immediately and only use (char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0); while you're making your own copies.

 JsonRes["result"][0]["USERNAME"] = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 1);

2. Dealing with JsonCpp Array

Other example can be found :

JsonRes["result"] = Json::arrayValue;  
=> JsonRes becomes { result" : [] }
JsonRes["result"][0]["USERNAME"] = "john";
JsonRes["result"][1]["USERNAME"] = "micheal";
=> JsonRes becomes { "result" : [ { "USERNAME" , ... } , { "USERNAME" ,... } , ... ] }

3. Build Sqlite (Amalgamation Version) from

# command-line tool/application
gcc shell.c sqlite3.c -lpthread -ldl -o sqlite3
# shared library
gcc -DSQLITE_THREADSAFE=0  -shared -fPIC sqlite3.c -o