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Merge pull request #104 from amnmalik/master
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bugfixes and compatibility with new gdx for reportEmployment, runEmployment uses mif file as input
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amnmalik authored Feb 24, 2022
2 parents 4c74747 + 96a8148 commit 2e21e64
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Showing 10 changed files with 508 additions and 310 deletions.
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ValidationKey: '33811488'
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- 'Warning: package ''.*'' was built under R version'
- 'Warning: namespace ''.*'' is not available and has been replaced'
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"title": "remind2: The REMIND R package (2nd generation)",
"version": "1.77.6",
"version": "1.78.0",
"description": "<p>Contains the REMIND-specific routines for data and model output manipulation.<\/p>",
"creators": [
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
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Package: remind2
Type: Package
Title: The REMIND R package (2nd generation)
Version: 1.77.6
Date: 2022-02-15
Version: 1.78.0
Date: 2022-02-24
Authors@R: as.person(c(
"Renato Rodrigues <> [aut,cre]"))
Description: Contains the REMIND-specific routines for data and model output manipulation.
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions R/imports.R
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# Generated by lucode2: do not edit by hand

#' @import magclass
442 changes: 159 additions & 283 deletions R/reportEmployment.R

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284 changes: 284 additions & 0 deletions R/runEmployment.R
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#' Computes the employment values (jobs) across different sectors
#' @param pathToMIF A mif file putput from a REMIND run
#' @param improvements Either "None", "CEEW", "Dias", "Rutovitz_aus","Solar_found" or "All". Use "All" for all improvements.
#' @param subtype Subtype for how shares of solar rooftop, wind offshore, and small hydro are assumed in the future. Options "current", "irena", and "expert". See calcDspvShare for more information.
#' @param shareManf Either "current" or "local". Current implies current shares of world manufacture remain same until 2050, current means that in 2050 all countries manufacture required components locally.
#' @param multiplier controls how the regional multiplier for non-oecd countries changes with time.
#' @param decline How should the employment factors change over time? "capcosts" means according to capital costs. "static" means it doesn't change
#' @description This function returns a magpie object containing the reporting the jobs for different technologies
#' @return A magpie object
#' @author Aman Malik
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' runEmployment(pathToMIF, improvements = "All", multiplier = "own", subtype = "expert",
#' shareManf = "local", decline = "capcosts")
#' }
#' @importFrom madrat calcOutput
#' @importFrom magclass getNames add_columns getItems
#' @export

runEmployment <- function(pathToMIF, improvements, multiplier, subtype, shareManf, decline) {

inputMif <- remind2::readReportingMIF(pathToMIF) # read as data frame
inputMifMp <- as.magpie(inputMif) # convert to magpie object
inputMifMp <- collapseDim(inputMifMp) # remove dimensions with same values, i.e., "model" and "scenario"
inputMifMp <- collapseDim(inputMifMp, dim = 3.2) # remove "unit" dimension

# use setConfig(forcecache=TRUE) to make the code run faster
# employment factors
x <- madrat::calcOutput("Employmentfactors", improvements = improvements, multiplier = multiplier)
getNames(x) <- gsub("Wind onshore", "Wind|Onshore", getNames(x))
getNames(x) <- gsub("Wind offshore", "Wind|Offshore", getNames(x))
x <- x[, , "HP", pmatch = TRUE, invert = TRUE] # excluding (at the moment) jobs in combined heat and power plants

## DECLINE FACTORS------------------------
if (decline == "capcosts") {
# capital costs and OM fixed costs evolution over time for different techs, used to calculated the decline factor
# variables needed - capital and fixed costs of technologies
var <- c("Tech|Electricity|Coal|Pulverised Coal w/o CC|Capital Costs",
"Tech|Electricity|Gas|Combined Cycle w/o CC|Capital Costs",
"Tech|Electricity|Hydro|Capital Costs",
"Tech|Electricity|Nuclear|Capital Costs",
"Tech|Electricity|Solar|PV|Capital Costs",
"Tech|Electricity|Solar|CSP|Capital Costs",
"Tech|Electricity|Wind|Onshore|Capital Costs",
"Tech|Electricity|Wind|Offshore|Capital Costs",
"Tech|Electricity|Biomass|Combined Heat and Power w/o CC|Capital Costs",
"Tech|Electricity|Storage|Battery|For PV|Capital Costs",
"Tech|Electricity|Oil|DOT|Capital Costs",
"Tech|Electricity|Geothermal|Capital Costs",

"Tech|Electricity|Coal|Pulverised Coal w/o CC|OM Cost|fixed",
"Tech|Electricity|Gas|Combined Cycle w/o CC|OM Cost|fixed",
"Tech|Electricity|Hydro|OM Cost|fixed",
"Tech|Electricity|Nuclear|OM Cost|fixed",
"Tech|Electricity|Solar|PV|OM Cost|fixed",
"Tech|Electricity|Solar|CSP|OM Cost|fixed",
"Tech|Electricity|Wind|Onshore|OM Cost|fixed",
"Tech|Electricity|Wind|Offshore|OM Cost|fixed",
"Tech|Electricity|Biomass|Combined Heat and Power w/o CC|OM Cost|fixed",
"Tech|Electricity|Oil|DOT|OM Cost|fixed",
"Tech|Electricity|Geothermal|OM Cost|fixed",
"Tech|Electricity|Storage|Battery|For PV|OM Cost|fixed",
# only capital costs
reportTech <- inputMifMp[, , var]
capCosts <- reportTech[getItems(x, dim = 1), seq(2015, 2050, 5), "Capital Costs", pmatch = TRUE] # selecting years until 2050 and removing "World" region

capCosts <- capCosts[, , ] / setYears(capCosts[, "y2020", ], NULL) # costs relative to 2020

# Evolution of employment factor (CI & Manf) with time depends on capital costs
# the job intensity decreases with capital costs for techs, relative to 2015
varInX <- getItems(x, dim = 3.1) # variables from employment factor magpie object
varInRem <- c("Coal", "Gas", "Nuclear", "Biomass", "Hydro", "Hydro", "Wind|Onshore", "Wind|Offshore", "Solar|PV",
"Geothermal", "Solar|CSP", "Oil", "Solar|PV", "Storage") # variables from remind (order matters)
varComb <- paste(varInX, varInRem, sep = ".") # concatenating the two for looping to work

for (i in varComb) {
x[getItems(x, dim = 1), , sub("\\..*", "", i)][, , c("CI", "Manf")] <- x[getItems(x, dim = 1), , sub("\\..*", "", i)][, , c("CI", "Manf")] * setNames(capCosts[getItems(x, dim = 1), getYears(x), sub(".*\\.", "", i), pmatch = TRUE], NULL)
# OM fixed costs used to calculate decline factors for O&M employment factors
fixedCosts <- reportTech[getItems(x, dim = 1), seq(2015, 2050, 5), "fixed", pmatch = TRUE] # selecting years until 2050 and removing "World" region

fixedCosts <- fixedCosts[, , ] / setYears(fixedCosts[, "y2020", ], NULL) # costs relative to 2020
for (i in varComb) {
x[getItems(x, dim = 1), , sub("\\..*", "", i)][, , "OM"] <- x[getItems(x, dim = 1), , sub("\\..*", "", i)][, , "OM"] * setNames(fixedCosts[getItems(x, dim = 1), getYears(x), sub(".*\\.", "", i), pmatch = TRUE], NULL)

# decline factors for coal fuel supply until 2050 are projected depending on
# historical patterns and convergence between some countries.
# See calcLabourProductivity for more information.
coalEf <- calcOutput("CoalLabourProductivity", subtype = "Employment_factor")
coalEf <- coalEf / setYears(coalEf[, 2020, ], NULL)
coalEf[which(coalEf == "NaN")] <- 0
x[, getYears(x), "Coal.Fuel_supply"] <- x[, getYears(x), "Coal.Fuel_supply"] * setNames(coalEf[, getYears(x), ], NULL)
# if Employment factors don't change
if (decline == "static") {
# do nothing, as employment factors have already been read

## Other external parameters--------------------------

# share of rooftop in total spv, wind offshore in total wind, and hydro small in total hydro
share <- calcOutput("DspvShare")

## ----------------------------------------------

## New and Absolute capacity from REMIND---------------------------------
# filtering required capacity variables i.e., only new and existing coal capacities

# selecting variables only related to power or electricity
remFilter <- inputMifMp[, , c("Cap|Electricity"), pmatch = TRUE]
remFilter <- remFilter[, , c("Cumulative", "Idle", "Total Cap", "CC", "Hydrogen",
"Estimated", "Non-Biomass", "For Wind", "For PV", "GT"), pmatch = TRUE, invert = TRUE] # removing cumulative and idle variables in capacity

remFilter <- remFilter[, , c("Cap|Electricity", # total sum of all techs and not needed
"New Cap|Electricity",
"New Cap|Electricity|Wind",
"Cap|Electricity|Solar", # is sum of pv and csp and not needed
"New Cap|Electricity|Solar"), invert = TRUE]

# filtering required regions
remFilter <- remFilter[getItems(x, dim = 1), seq(2015, 2050, 5), ]

## disaggregating certain variables/adding new variables
colsToAdd <- c("Solar|PV-utility", "Solar|PV-rooftop", "Hydro-large", "Hydro-small")
for (j in colsToAdd) {
remFilter <- add_columns(remFilter, addnm = paste0("New Cap|Electricity|", j), dim = 3.1)
remFilter <- add_columns(remFilter, addnm = paste0("Cap|Electricity|", j), dim = 3.1)

# adding values to the new variables
remFilter[, , "New Cap|Electricity|Solar|PV-rooftop"] <-
remFilter[, , "New Cap|Electricity|Solar|PV"] * share[, , "spv"]
remFilter[, , "New Cap|Electricity|Solar|PV-utility"] <-
remFilter[, , "New Cap|Electricity|Solar|PV"] * (1 - share[, , "spv"])

remFilter[, , "Cap|Electricity|Solar|PV-rooftop"] <-
remFilter[, , "Cap|Electricity|Solar|PV"] * share[, , "spv"]
remFilter[, , "Cap|Electricity|Solar|PV-utility"] <-
remFilter[, , "Cap|Electricity|Solar|PV"] * (1 - share[, , "spv"])

remFilter[, , "New Cap|Electricity|Hydro-small"] <-
remFilter[, , "New Cap|Electricity|Hydro"] * share[, , "hydro"]
remFilter[, , "New Cap|Electricity|Hydro-large"] <-
remFilter[, , "New Cap|Electricity|Hydro"] * (1 - share[, , "hydro"])

remFilter[, , "Cap|Electricity|Hydro-small"] <-
remFilter[, , "Cap|Electricity|Hydro"] * share[, , "hydro"]
remFilter[, , "Cap|Electricity|Hydro-large"] <-
remFilter[, , "Cap|Electricity|Hydro"] * (1 - share[, , "hydro"])

# removing "Hydro" and "Solar" broad categories
remFilter <- remFilter[, , c("New Cap|Electricity|Hydro", "Cap|Electricity|Hydro",
"New Cap|Electricity|Solar|PV", "Cap|Electricity|Solar|PV"), invert = TRUE]

# added/installed capacity from REMIND, for years > 2010
addedCap <- remFilter[getItems(x, dim = 1), getYears(remFilter) > 2010, "New Cap", pmatch = TRUE] # only new capacities

addedCapSum <- dimSums(addedCap, dim = 1) # Total World added capacity for each tech

# existing/operating capacity from REMIND
capTot <- remFilter[, , "New Cap", invert = TRUE, pmatch = TRUE]

## -----------------------------------------------------

# share of exports to world installed capacity
prodShare <- calcOutput("ProdShares")
prodShare <- prodShare[, "y2019", ] # use 2019 as 2018 values have NAs for important countries
colsToAdd <- c("Solar|PV-utility", "Solar|PV-rooftop", "Wind|Offshore", "Wind|Onshore")
prodShare <- add_columns(prodShare, addnm = colsToAdd, dim = 3.1)
prodShare[, , c("Solar|PV-utility", "Solar|PV-rooftop")] <- prodShare[, , "spv"]
prodShare[, , c("Wind|Offshore", "Wind|Onshore")] <- prodShare[, , "wind"]
prodShare <- prodShare[, , c("spv", "wind"), invert = TRUE]

# share of world capacity addition by region
shrGLOAdd <- addedCap[, , colsToAdd, pmatch = TRUE] / addedCapSum[, , colsToAdd, pmatch = TRUE]
prodShareTmp <- new.magpie(getItems(x, dim = 1), c(2015, 2020, 2050), names = c("Solar|PV-utility", "Solar|PV-rooftop", "Wind|Offshore", "Wind|Onshore"))

if (shareManf == "local" || shareManf == "current") {
## prod shares calculate local manufacture of wind and solar components in 2050. Change is linear.
# assigning 2050 regional share values as prod shares
prodShareTmp[, "y2050", ] <- as.numeric(shrGLOAdd[, "y2050", getNames(prodShareTmp), pmatch = TRUE])
# 2015 and 2020 values same as 2019 values
prodShareTmp[, c(2015, 2020), ] <- prodShare[, , getNames(prodShareTmp)]
# from 2020 to 2050, linearly interpolate
prodShare <- time_interpolate(prodShareTmp, seq(2025, 2045, 5), integrate_interpolated_years = TRUE)
if (shareManf == "current") {
prodShare[, , ] <- prodShare[, 2020, ] # shares remain same throughout = 2020
# Obtaining fuel supply variables
vars <- c("PE|Production|Biomass",
"PE|Production|Gross|Uranium [Energy]"
remindProd <- inputMifMp[getItems(x, dim = 1), getYears(x), vars] # period >2010 and only select variables

peTrad <- inputMifMp[getItems(x, dim = 1), getYears(x), "PE|Biomass|Traditional"]

# removing the traditional biomass component, where biomass isn't sold, thus no employment
# in conventional sense
remindProd[, , "PE|Production|Biomass"] <- remindProd[, , "PE|Production|Biomass"] - setNames(peTrad[, , ], NULL)

getNames(remindProd) <- gsub(pattern = "Uranium \\[Energy\\]", replacement = "Nuclear", x = getNames(remindProd)) # removing space

## Calculating jobs--------------------------------
techs <- c("Solar|PV-utility", "Solar|PV-rooftop", "Hydro-large", "Hydro-small",
"Wind|Offshore", "Wind|Onshore", "Coal", "Biomass", "Gas", "Storage", "Oil", "Nuclear", "Geothermal", "Solar|CSP")
techsExp <- c("Solar|PV-utility", "Solar|PV-rooftop", "Wind|Offshore", "Wind|Onshore") # technologies with export component

# 1. Manufacturing jobs for techs with export component.

# 1a) Total manf jobs (per region) for these techs are equal to total world addition X share of
# world exports (for that region)

jobsManf <- new.magpie(getItems(x, dim = 1), getYears(x), techs, fill = 0)
for (i in techsExp) {
jobsManf[, , i] <- addedCapSum[, getYears(x), i, pmatch = TRUE] * 1000
jobsManf[, getYears(x), i] <- (jobsManf[, getYears(x), i] * setNames(x[, , i][, , "Manf"], NULL) * prodShare[, , i])

for (i in setdiff(techs, techsExp)) {
jobsManf[, , i] <- addedCap[, getYears(x), i, pmatch = TRUE] * 1000
jobsManf[, getYears(x), i] <- (jobsManf[, getYears(x), i] * setNames(x[, getYears(x), i, pmatch = TRUE][, , "Manf"], NULL))

jobsManf <- add_dimension(jobsManf, dim = 3.2, add = "type", nm = "Manf")
getSets(jobsManf) <- c("region", "year", "variable", "type")

# 2. Construction and Installation jobs
jobsCi <- new.magpie(getItems(x, dim = 1), getYears(x), techs, fill = 0)

for (i in techs) {
jobsCi[, , i] <- addedCap[, getYears(x), i, pmatch = TRUE] * 1000
jobsCi[, , i] <- jobsCi[, getYears(x), i] * setNames(x[, , i, pmatch = TRUE][, , "CI"], nm = NULL)


jobsCi <- add_dimension(jobsCi, dim = 3.2, add = "type", nm = "CI")
getSets(jobsCi) <- c("region", "year", "variable", "type")

## 3. Jobs in O & M
# jobs = existing capacity per tech * emp factor per tech
jobsOm <- new.magpie(getItems(x, dim = 1), getYears(x), techs)
for (i in techs) {
jobsOm[, , i] <- capTot[, getYears(x), i, pmatch = TRUE] * 1000
jobsOm[, , i] <- jobsOm[, , i] * setNames(x[, , i, pmatch = TRUE][, , "OM"], NULL)
jobsOm <- add_dimension(jobsOm, dim = 3.2, add = "type", nm = "OM")
getSets(jobsOm) <- c("region", "year", "variable", "type")

## 4. Jobs in Fuel supply
# jobs = total production (in EJ/yr) per fuel * employment factor per fuel (Jobs/PJ)
fuels <- c("Coal", "Gas", "Biomass", "Oil")
jobsProd <- new.magpie(getItems(x, dim = 1), getYears(x), techs, fill = 0)
for (i in fuels) {
jobsProd[, , i] <- remindProd[, getYears(x), i, pmatch = TRUE] * 1000
jobsProd[, , i] <- jobsProd[, , i] * setNames(x[, , i][, , "Fuel_supply"], NULL)
jobsProd <- add_dimension(jobsProd, dim = 3.2, add = "type", nm = "Fuel_supply")
getSets(jobsProd) <- c("region", "year", "variable", "type")

## Jobs in Fuel supply, nuclear which are given in terms of SE
remSeNuc <- inputMifMp[getItems(x, dim = 1), , "SE|Electricity|+|Nuclear"] * 277777.778 # EJ to GWh

jobsProd[, , "Nuclear.Fuel_supply"] <- setNames(remSeNuc[, getYears(x), ], NULL) * x[, getYears(x), "Nuclear.Fuel_supply"]

####### put all together #############

jobs <- mbind(jobsCi, jobsOm, jobsProd, jobsManf)

jobs <-
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# The REMIND R package (2nd generation)

R package **remind2**, version **1.77.6**
R package **remind2**, version **1.78.0**

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## Purpose and Functionality

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ In case of questions / problems please contact Renato Rodrigues <renato.rodrigue

To cite package **remind2** in publications use:

Rodrigues R (2022). _remind2: The REMIND R package (2nd generation)_. R package version 1.77.5, <URL:>.
Rodrigues R (2022). _remind2: The REMIND R package (2nd generation)_. R package version 1.78.0, <URL:>.

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

Expand All @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
title = {remind2: The REMIND R package (2nd generation)},
author = {Renato Rodrigues},
year = {2022},
note = {R package version 1.77.5},
note = {R package version 1.78.0},
url = {},

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