MPCS: Introduction to Computer Systems (52011)
This course follows Nand2Tetris guidelines, with weekly assignments that ultimately results in a basic computer. In this respository, you will find code I have written using Assembly language, Jack language, and Python. I create things like the compiler and the assembler.
The full course details are available here:
Each project has its own README file to describe in more detail.
Project 0 Getting started
Project 1 Boolean Logic
Project 2 Boolean Arithmetic
Project 3 Sequential Logic
Project 4 Machine Language
Project 5 Computer Architecture
Project 6 Assembler
Project 7 VM I: Stack Arithmetic
Project 8 VM II: Program Control
Project 9 High-Level Language
Project 10 Compiler I: Syntax Analysis
Project 11 Compiler II: Code Generation
Project 12 Operating System