This repository contains scripts and tools, made by developers for developers!
Each repository provides its own README for detailed information.
Currently, these tools are available:
- ClientSecretGenerator: A tool to generate a JWT based client_secret used with Sign In with Apple
- PasswordHashingChecker: A tool that helps to check that your algorithm matches the algorithm that PingOne for Customers uses to read encoded passwords
- bulk-delete: A sample script detailing a bulk deletion of users in an environment in PingOne for Customers
- new-environment-with-users: A script that uses the requests module of python to make calls to PingOne for Customers to create a new environment with some sample users in a population
- poll-activity-data: A script to poll the PingOne for Customers API for activity data
Copyright (c) 2019. All rights reserved.
This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.