Yair is an lightweight command-line-tool to interact with Clair. It is designed for the execution inside a CI Job, for example to determinate if an image can be deployed to the production environment.
It can also executed localy without much effort.
- easy to use
- fast scans
- scan public and private images
- image security scoring - if an image has to many fixable vulnerabilities, yair will have an return code of 2
- multiple output option:
- table output
- short table
- json output
- quiet mode
- Rocket.Chat output
copy the "config.yaml.tmpl" of this repo an change it for your needs.
host: "localhost:6060"
format: table
webhook_url: rocket-chat.com/hooks/...
receiver: "#general,@admin"
score: 379
big_vulnerability: true
Config Option | Description |
clair::host | hostname of the Clair Server with Port |
output::format | specifys the output format, can be "json", "table", "short-table" or "quiet" |
output::rocketchat | Rocket.Chat ouput, leave config commented if you dont want to use it |
output::rocketchat::webhook_url | url to the Rocket.Chat hook you configured for this output with http/https prefix |
output::rocketchat::receiver | comma-seperated list of channels to send output to |
fail_on::score | if the image vulerability score is above this value, th script will have an returncode of "2" |
fail_on::big_vulnerability | if set to true, the script will have an returncode of "2", if the image has an vulnerability with severity "high" or higher |
Rename the customized "config.yaml.tmpl" to "config.yaml" and move it to the directory you want to execute it in.
The config.yaml will be made accessable for yair with a readonly docker volume:
docker run -v `pwd`:/opt/yair/config/:ro yfoelling/yair [registry]image[tag]
you can also change the source path to a fixed path where you config.yaml is located.
You can scan public images and private images. if you dont specify a tag, it will assume you want to scan latest.
docker run yfoelling/yair ubuntu
docker run yfoelling/yair myregistry.com/mynamespace/myimage:mytag
This is a preview of a scan with output::format "table". Normaly images will have much more vulnerabilies, so you will get a bigger table. "Version with fix" will be empty if the vulnerability is not fixed yet for the distributions.
| Package | CVE Name | CVE Link | Version with fix |
| Installed Version | Severity | CVE Description | |
| wget | RHSA-2017:3075 | https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2017:3075 | 1.14-15.el7_4.1 |
| | | | |
| 1.14-15.el7 | High | The wget packages provide the GNU Wget file retrieval utility | |
| | | for HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols. Security Fix(es): * A stack- | |
| | | based and a heap-based buffer overflow flaws were found in wget | |
| | | when processing chunked encoded HTTP responses. By tricking an | |
| | | unsuspecting user into connecting to a malicious HTTP server, an | |
| | | attacker could exploit these flaws to potentially execute | |
| | | arbitrary code. (CVE-2017-13089, CVE-2017-13090) Red Hat would | |
| | | like to thank the GNU Wget project for reporting these issues. | |
scan result for: IMAGE_NAME
the image has "high" vulnerabilities
This is a preview of a scan with output::format "short-table". "Version with fix" will be empty if the vulnerability is not fixed yet for the distributions.
$ docker run -v `pwd`:/opt/yair/config/:ro yfoelling/yair:latest ubuntu
| Package | CVE Name | Severity | Version with fix |
| systemd | CVE-2017-15908 | Medium | |
| db5.3 | CVE-2017-10140 | Medium | |
| apparmor | CVE-2016-1585 | Medium | |
| glibc | CVE-2017-8804 | Medium | |
| glibc | CVE-2017-12132 | Medium | |
| perl | CVE-2016-1238 | Medium | |
| perl | CVE-2017-12883 | Medium | |
| perl | CVE-2017-12837 | Medium | |
| util-linux | CVE-2016-5011 | Low | |
| util-linux | CVE-2016-2779 | Low | |
| glibc | CVE-2015-8985 | Low | |
| glibc | CVE-2015-5180 | Low | |
| perl | CVE-2017-6512 | Low | |
| shadow | CVE-2013-4235 | Low | |
| shadow | CVE-2017-12424 | Low | |
| pcre3 | CVE-2017-6004 | Low | |
| pcre3 | CVE-2017-7244 | Low | |
| pcre3 | CVE-2017-7186 | Low | |
| coreutils | CVE-2016-2781 | Low | |
| cryptsetup | CVE-2016-4484 | Low | |
| bzip2 | CVE-2016-3189 | Low | |
| ncurses | CVE-2017-13730 | Negligible | |
| ncurses | CVE-2017-13731 | Negligible | |
| ncurses | CVE-2017-13733 | Negligible | |
| ncurses | CVE-2017-13732 | Negligible | |
| ncurses | CVE-2017-10684 | Negligible | |
| ncurses | CVE-2017-13728 | Negligible | |
| ncurses | CVE-2017-11112 | Negligible | |
| ncurses | CVE-2017-11113 | Negligible | |
| ncurses | CVE-2017-13729 | Negligible | |
| ncurses | CVE-2017-13734 | Negligible | |
| ncurses | CVE-2017-10685 | Negligible | |
| glibc | CVE-2016-10228 | Negligible | |
| pcre3 | CVE-2017-7246 | Negligible | |
| pcre3 | CVE-2017-7245 | Negligible | |
| dpkg | CVE-2017-8283 | Negligible | |
scan result for: library/ubuntu:latest
If the scan exits with return code 2, then the scanned image has either:
- an vulnerability with severity "high" or higher OR
- a score above 379
you can configure these thresholds in the config.yaml "fail_on" section.
If an vulnerability is detected and there is already a version of the affected package with a fix, then a number will be added to the score depending on the severity:
Severity | Score |
Unknown | 0 |
Negligible | 1 |
Low | 16 |
Medium | 81 |
High | 265 |
Critical | 625 |
Defcon1 | 1296 |