Podcast is an audio streaming platform. it connects people and makes networking easy. In this platform, people chat through audio messages, users record they voices and sends them to other connected users. Basically, chatting via voice messages. The production site is called Voice Tweet but the project is called Podcast.
This project is host on firebase. View app at Voice Tweet.
And the API was deployed on Render.
Stacks used in this project are :
Client | Server | Database |
Reactjs | Nodejs | MongoDB |
Firebase | Expressjs |
To run this project on your machine your have to clone or fork this project. To clone :
git clone https://github.com/imrany/podcast.git
To run client side code you must first install dependencies :
cd client
npm install
npm start
To run server side code :
cd server
npm install
node index
Developed by Imrany.
Worked on
[*] Web design on figma
[*] Reactjs
[*] Firebase
[*] Creating a REST API
[*] Connecting to mongoDB
[*] Worked on continuous Deployment and integration with github actions.
[*] Deploying the site