We provide here the most basic but high scalable version of a particle chaser for a given velocity field. Due to the underlying amazing fast p4est forest of octree structure - which proved to work in peta-scale (e.g. on Jaguar Cray XT5) - this work can easily be adapted to implement more complex algorithms like the Fast Multipole Method.
To test it on your computer, several steps are needed.
$ git clone https://github.com/plattenschieber/p4est "my fork which has only a little change in the vtk output
$ cd p4est
$ git clone https://github.com/plattenschieber/particleChase
$ ./bootstrap "please make sure that which version of (g)libtoolize you use
$ ./configure --enable-mpi "--enable-debug
$ make
$ make install
$ mpirun -np 4 particleChase/particleChase