Is a React Web Application to display the preferred playlists from iFood's customers.
It is integrated with the newest libraries such as:
- React
- React Hooks
- Redux
- Redux saga
- React Router Dom
- Jest
- Enzyme
- Storybook
- Babel
- Webpack
- styled components
- material UI
- Formik
- Yup
Access the Spotifood APP Demonstration
Access the Project UI Documentation
Check your node version, this project needs the node version >= 12 and yarn >= 1.22.0 otherwise you terminal will console an error
To start the project use this command in your terminal and wait for a few seconds and the project will open a new tab in your browser automatically using port 8080
yarn start
yarn test
To start the Storybook use the command, it will open a new webpage with Storybook running on port 9000
yarn storybook
This project is was build from React Scaffold an open souce project created by myself which helps you to create a react project from scratch and that project does not create-react-app, I set everything up from zero.
To achieve the test requirements I chose to use Redux-saga to help with the race condition and the lib date-fns to deal with the date format because it has the most closer patter to deal with the date pattern provided by the API.
The App creates all fields and its validations in execution time. using the Filter api to provide all those two informations.
To deal with form and its validations it was used by Formik and Yup to take care of it.
TO help the UI it was used Material UI and Styled components
For the test Jest and Enzyme
For the documentation Storybook and PropTypes
To reduce the numbers of the API request it used the debounce approach with 250ms in every field that makes a request when its value changes.
A new request will only make if the fields change between this 250ms, if an user typed "1", then erase, then type "1" again in this 250ms time the APP will not make a new request because the current filter is already the same as the new one.
If the api returned an error the automatic update will not be trigger until the api start tu return 200 again
The project architecture was designed using SOLID principles
The project was designed to support new features and pages in the future
The project folder structure
├── api
├── components
│ ├── Atom
│ └── Molecule
│ └── Organism
│ └── UILess
├── pages
├── redux
│ ├── actions
│ └── reducer
│ └── sagas
├── service
├── utils
The components were created based on atomic design and each component has that structure
├── Component.jsx
├── Component.test.js
├── Component.styles.js
├── index.js
Due SOLID principle some components like Filter and PlaylistCard do not consume data directly from redux ( using the useSelector), but from props (from father to children), to let them be more reusable, to support new pages and new features in the future.
As we are using 2 different apis I created 2 differents reducers and its ecosystems Filter and Playlist to deal with them
As I said before the redux saga was chosen because it can handle well with race conditions and in this app that can happen.
To deal with the authentication I used an API from Spotify to get the token, I stored it in the LocalStorage to avoid make unnecessary requests.