Black-Box Compiler Tester
A simple library for black-box testing of compilers from the Compiler Design and Implementation course at UChile.
- dune (>= 2.9)
- ocaml (>= 4.08.0)
- alcotest (>= 1.2.2)
- containers (>= 3.0.1)
Download the sources as a zip archive, unzip and install the package
$ unzip
creating: BBCTester-main/
inflating: BBCTester-main/.gitignore
inflating: BBCTester-main/Makefile
inflating: BBCTester-main/
inflating: BBCTester-main/dune
inflating: BBCTester-main/dune-project
inflating: BBCTester-main/
inflating: BBCTester-main/test.mli
$ cd BBCTester-main
$ make install
dune build
dune install
Installing ...
Alternatively, you can clone the repository and install
$ git clone
Cloning into 'BBCTester'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 19, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (19/19), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (15/15), done.
remote: Total 19 (delta 3), reused 12 (delta 3), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (19/19), 7.10 KiB | 7.10 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3/3), done.
$ cd BBCTester
$ make install
dune build
dune install
Installing ...
This package contains a few helper functions to parse test files (see below for the format) and generate unit-tests for alcotest in a single module Test
. The main entrypoint of the library is the following function (from test.mli
(* Given the path of a C runtime file [runtime], a [compiler] and
the path [dir] of a directory containing tests files, produces
unit tests for each test files in [dir].
[compile_flags] are passed to the C compiler (clang),
defaults to "-g". *)
val tests_from_dir :
?compile_flags:string ->
runtime:string ->
compiler:compiler ->
?oracle:(string -> status * string) ->
string -> (string * unit Alcotest.test_case list) list
A BBCTester test file contains both a source program to be fed to the compiler and various metadata to help testing the compiler. Here is how it looks like:
NAME: add1
DESCRIPTION: increments a number
(add1 20)
It uses the extension .bbc
and is composed of a few sections that appear in the following order:
[optional, default empty] : the name of the testDESCRIPTION:
[optional, default empty] : a longer description of the content of the testPARAMS:
[optional, default empty] : a,
-separated list of pairsVAR=VAL
that are added to the environment variables of the compiled executableSTATUS:
[optional, defaultNo error
] : eitherCT error
(compile time error),RT error
(runtime error) orNo error
/ Needs to be set to the appropriate error if the program is expected to fail either at compile time or at runtime. In that case the content ofEXPECTED:
is interpreted as a pattern (see Str) matched against the output of the failing phase.SRC:
: the source of the program fed to the compilerEXPECTED:
: the expected result of the program (note that debugging messages starting by|
are ignored and shouldn't be part of the expected result). If the expected result ends with the message|ORACLE
then the expected result is obtained by substituting|ORACLE
with the result of a provided oracle called on the source code.