Hi, I am Foysal Ahmmed, a dedicated, passionate and self motivated Fullstack Web Developer. I am eager to learn new things for updating and spreading my knowledge. I want to work with any renowned team, company or organization and build up my career as a Software Engineer in the Computer Software Industry.
HTML: HTML5, Semantic, Meta, SEO Friendly.
CSS: CSS3, Flex, Grid, Animation, Responsive, Media Query.
Styling: SASS, Styled Components, CSS Module, TailwindCSS, DaisyUI, Bootstrap.
JavaScript: ES5, ES6, Function, Class, Array, Object, JSON.
TypeScript: Type, Enums, Tuples, Interface, Alias, Union, Intersection, Literal, Narrowing.
ReactJS: Components (Static, Dynamic), Routing (Static, Dynamic, Nested), CR, HOC, Hooks, Lifecycle Methods, Context API.
NextJS: API, Routing (Static, Dynamic, Nested), SSR, SSG, CSR, ISR.
MongoDB: Create, Read, Update, Delete, Filter, Projection, Aggregation.
NodeJS: Modules (fs, http, url, path, cypto, process, os).
ExpressJS: API (post, get, put, patch, delete), Middlewares.
Firebase: Hosting, Database, Storage, Authentication with JSON Web Token.
Others: Markdown, NPM, Yarn, Webpack, Git, GitHub, Netlify, Heroku, VS Code, Adobe (Ps, Ai, Xd), MS Office.