First create a transitionDelegate property on your viewController
final class ViewController: UIViewController {
var transitioningDelegate: BottomSheetTransitioningDelegate!
Whenever you want to present the BottomSheet
you must config it with a child ViewController
func configBottomSheet() {
let bottomSheetController = BottomSheetController(with: UIViewController())
transitioningDelegate = BottomSheetTransitioningDelegate(viewController: self, presentingViewController: bottomSheetController))
bottomSheetController.transitionDelegate = transitionDelegate
After all the base configuration for the transition is done, you just call a present(bottomSheetController, animated: true)
By default, the BottomSheet will be presented over half of the screen with a dimmed background view, if you need to define a frame for the BottomSheet or a dim color for the background, you must conform the presenting ViewController
(the ViewController that is calling BottomSheet) to the BottomSheetPresentationDelegate
and implement its properties.
This property will define the dim color of the background
defaults to
If you need your backgroundview to have any type of custom color, you can implement this property and specify the values for it.
You can also implement the UIColor.clear
to make the background transparent.
This property specifies the size and origin of your bottom
defaults to half of the screen
In case you need to specify a custom size or origin for the BottomSheet frame, you can implement this property with a custom rect.
To customize the BottomSheetController that will contain your view or viewController, you should call the .apply(style:)
method, specifying whichever available properties you want it to have.
e.g.: If you wanted it to be rounded by 15 radius and have a shadow with an offset of -1 height
let style: BottomSheetStyle = [
.rounded(radius: 15, masksToBounds: false),
.shadowed(radius: 10, opacity: 0.4, offset: CGSize(width: 0, height: -1))
bottomSheetController.apply(style: style)
BottomSheet is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.