1.unzip PoleVPN-windows.zip
2.run init.bat to install virtual networking adapter and webview2(only for first running)
3.run PoleVPN.exe
1.unzip PoleVPN-macos.zip
2.open terminal then execute "sudo spctl --master-disable" (only for first running)
3.run PoleVPN
1.unzip PoleVPN-linux.zip
2.run PoleVPN
click the "+" to add configration:
Name: name the configration you like
Endpoint: wss://serverip:port/ or h3s://serverip:port
User: see user.credentials
Password: see user.credentials
other configration keep default
save the configration
then click the litte airplane
1.解压 PoleVPN-windows.zip
2.运行 init.bat 安装虚拟网卡跟webview2插件(只需第一次运行执行这个)
3.运行 PoleVPN.exe
1.解压 PoleVPN-macos.zip
2.打开 终端 执行 "sudo spctl --master-disable" (只限于第一次运行)
3.运行 PoleVPN即可
1.解压 PoleVPN-linux.zip
2.运行 PoleVPN
点击 "+" 添加配置:
Name: 随便给你的配置取个名
Endpoint: 以下格式 wss://serverip:port/ or h3s://serverip:port
User: 查看 user.credentials
Password: 查看 user.credentials