Anyways created this to fix the forge custom packet issues in the hexagonmc fork so i merged the with the hexagonmc bungee and it seems to be working
Also to get a copy of this project thats been built. Just go to my jenkins downloads should exist. If you want to build it yourself use maven and run mvn clean install
This is a fork of md_5's BungeeCord
This version reimplements Minecraft 1.7.10 and basic 1.7.10 Forge support.
Since release 134+, SpongePls is no longer needed when using Sponge-servers within your network!
IMPORTANT: We WON'T fix any 1.7 bugs. This fork is designed for keeping your old servers in your network, until your modspacks are available for 1.10.2/1.11.2 or higher. Most of them are, so get rid of 1.7 fast and move to 1.10.2/1.11.2 modpacks asap.
This version is maintained by
###Releases can be downloaded here: Releases
Modules are automatically downloaded from the releases page.