This is a youtube and discord chat relay bot
Requirements python 3.5 pip google-api-python-client
installation instructions:
python3.5 -m pip install -U
python3.5 -m pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client
go to your google developer dashboard Then go to library and find the youtube data api v3 and enable it
Next step is to go to the credentials page then hit create credentials, select oauth client id set the application type to other and give it a name then hit create then click the credentials and download your json file
Then add that json file to the folder with the this program rename it to client_secrets.json
Then finally run the python program and follow the prompts till the program is completely setup (in console make sure to use at python3.5)
link for the discord applications page
To find the discord token you would have to create a new application. Take the token (bottom of the page) and put it into the bot when it asks for it