php5 phing (see below) mysql or virtuoso owcli (ontowiki cli tool)
We use ontowiki's CLI tool to handle a lot of set-up tasks.
Install it as per and then drop the file conf/owcli into your home directory as .owcli for your own use.
Phing will use the file directly from the conf directory
This project uses phing as a build tool
NB: Currently this build defaults to configuring mysql based Ontowiki and it assumes you've already got a database as per the conf/config.ini.younglives-mysql file. An alternative virtuoso based config is available
Make sure you've got Phing:
$> pear channel-discover
$> pear install phing/phing
Run the dev-build target from the build.xml
$> phing dev-build
then edit build/.htaccess and add a RewriteBase eg RewriteBase /~neil/IKMLinkedResearch/build/
then edit conf/owcli so that the baseuri is correct for your install eg http://neil/~neil/IKMLinkedResearch/build/
Important, now login to your ontowiki, this creates important entries in the database.
you can now run $> phing setup