A novel currently being written ...
It will be something like Walden, with touches of Thoreau's essay on Civil Disobedience, except not intentionally autobiographical [although all novels might perhaps be unintendionally autobiographical] ... or maybe it's more akin to Dostoevky's story of a simpleton or common man who's just a bit different in The Idiot ... but it is probably more about a quixotic attempt to be something like John Galt in Ayn's Rand's Atlas Shrugged.
It's not any big deal ... it's JUST a story of an average, ordinary, deeply flawed human, who thinks different and because of the excessively conservative conformity of inbred midwestern yocals who have never left their county must adapt to a bit of fire.
It's just a story ... but right now, it's just sort of a placeholder for PrairieNative.com