Python Django CRUD API with MySQL and Django Rest Framework
Create, retrieve, update, and delete blog posts.
Add comments to blog posts and retrieve comments for a specific blog post.
Like and dislike functionality for blog posts.
User authentication to protect sensitive operations.
GET /api/blog/
: Get all blog posts. -
POST /api/addblog/
: Create a new blog post. -
GET /api/blog/<slug:slug>/
: Get details of a specific blog post. -
PUT /api/blog/<slug:slug>/
: Update a specific blog post. -
DELETE /api/blog/<slug:slug>/
: Delete a specific blog post. -
POST /api/blog/<int:id>/like/
: Like or dislike a blog post. -
POST /api/blogs/<slug:slug>/comments/
: Add a comment to a blog post. -
GET /api/blogs/<slug:slug>/comment/
: Get comments for a specific blog post. -
POST /api/savefile/
: Upload a file (image) for a blog post. -
GET /api/getuser/
: Get details of the authenticated user.