Hydrogen Prospective Scenarios
This datapackage implements technologies and market shares for future hydrogen production, on the basis on IEA projections (STEPS, APS and NZE scenarios), combined with the projections of global models such as REMIND.
.. note:: If combined with a global IAM scenario, select REMIND as the IAM model.
Future environmental impacts of global hydrogen production. Shijie Wei, Romain Sacchi, Arnold Tukker, Sangwon Suh, and Bernhard Steubing. Energy Environ. Sci. (2024) doi:10.1039/D3EE03875K
ecoinvent 3.9 cut-off
The following coupling is done between IAM scenarios and the hydrogen market scenarios from the IEA:
IAM scenario | IEA scenario | Scenario |
REMIND SSP2-NDC | SPS | Business As Usual |
REMIND SSP2-PkBudg1150 | APS | Ambitious |
REMIND SSP1-PkBudg500 | NZE | Very ambitious |
More details on the mapping between the IAM variables and the IEA hydrogen scenarios are available
in the mapping IAM-IEA.xlsx
file, under others/hydrogen market
The following market is introduced for each region in the IAM scenarios:
market for hydrogen, gaseous (IEA)
And the following technologies feed into it:
- Hydrogen, from coal gasification
- Hydrogen, from coal gasification, with CCS
- Hydrogen, from natural gas (SMR)
- Hydrogen, from natural gas (SMR), with CCS
- Hydrogen, from biomethane (SMR)
- Hydrogen, from biomethane (SMR), with CCS
- Hydrogen, from electrolysis (Alkaline)
- Hydrogen, from electrolysis (Proton Exchange Membrane)
- Hydrogen, from electrolysis (Solid Oxide)
import brightway2 as bw
from premise import NewDatabase
from datapackage import Package
fp = r"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/premise-community-scenarios/hydrogen-prospective-scenarios/main/datapackage.json"
hydrogen = Package(fp)
ndb = NewDatabase(
scenarios = [
{"model":"remind", "pathway":"SSP2-Base", "year":2050, "external scenarios": [{"scenario": "Business as usual", "data": hydrogen}]},
{"model":"remind", "pathway":"SSP2-NPi", "year":2030, "external scenarios": [{"scenario": "Ambitious", "data": hydrogen}]},
{"model":"remind", "pathway":"SSP1-PkBudg500", "year":2020, "external scenarios": [{"scenario": "Very ambitious", "data": hydrogen}]},
source_db="ecoinvent 3.9.1 cutoff",
ndb.update("external") # or ndb.update() if you want to update the database with the IAM data plus the external scenario