- shelter-api.cyclic.app (Primary)
- shelter-three.vercel.app/ (Live Preview)
- github.com/prince-appiah/shelter (Source Code)
Shelter is a full stack property management app that connects room hunters to rooms/spaces/apartments around them.
PLEASE NOTE: This project is still under development, hence minor features are being developed.
- Users are able to book and cancel property
- Admin can upload property on behalf of hosts
- Admin can approve or disable properties posted by hosts
- Admin can view all bookings
- Hosts are able to upload their properties on the platform
You may test the live application with the following credentials:
Admin: admin@shelter.com
Customer: baqomuq@mailinator.com
PLEASE NOTE: OTP codes are sent to your emails after signup and login. In the case where you use any of the emails provided above, kindly check your browser console/network tab for the otp in the server response. PS: OTP codes will NOT be sent (for security reasons), when the app is fully ready for all users (actual production environment)
This project uses Yarn as package manager
npm install --global yarn
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/prince-appiah/shelter.git
Go to the project directory
cd shelter
Install dependencies
Start the server
yarn start
- Authentication (Sign/Log in, Logout)
- Admin - create listings
- Host - view dashboard information
- Host - view dashboard information
- Verify hosts accounts with identity verification
- Allow customers to rate properties
- Display properties based on user's location
Contributions are always welcome!
See contributing.md
for ways to get started.
Please read the Code of Conduct
Distributed under the no License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.
This project needs a ⭐️ from you. Don't forget to leave a star ⭐️.