First update of ParamAP
- Users can now choose custom input file extensions for analysis, i.e. *.txt files from software other than Axon™ pCLAMP™ - excluding *.dat, *.log, and *.pdf (see below)
- File headers can now be missing from input files, in which case users have to specify both X-axis and Y-axis units manually for every file
- The analysis frame time (segment size) can now be chosen at runtime - for example in combination with the auto mode
- ParamAP will now continue to the next segment and/or file, if the analysis fails for a given segment or file ("detection of extrema or threshold failed"). Input files can now be analyzed in bulk using the auto mode, even if some of those files produce errors
- Matplotlib will now try to delete empty *.pdf files before closing ParamAP. However, empty files will still be produced if ParamAP is not properly shutdown, i.e. by confirming the "Press ENTER to end this program." dialog with the ENTER key
- ParamAP's log file is now stored as "ParamAP.log" instead of "ParamAP.txt"
- Individual data files (containing the the input parameters, the averages, and the filtered averages of the input files) are now stored as *.dat files instead of *.txt files.
- Minor formatting issues for the data files
- Special thanks to Ian Findlay from the Université de Tours for his thoughtful and constructive feedback.