Create automatic backups of your repo.
Create a backup branch in your repo.
git branch backup
Add the files from autogit to your repo. (Skip Readme and .gitignore in case they conflict with your own files.)
After unzipping them, run them
To stop the backups, break with Ctrl+C (ideally, in one of the 3 sec wait intervals after "backup created").
You can remain on your usual branch for working, since this script can still write to the branch backup.
The backup folder is ignored for additional manual backups.
You might want to add the autogit files to the gitignore list after pasting them in your repo, which you can either do with a short
cp .gitignore.example .gitignore
or, in case you already have a gitignore file in your repo, by manually adding this copy-and-paste-ready list:
Special thanks to the following Stack Overflow users:
For their answers to the following questions: