SportMonksFootball PHP library that provides convenient access to the SportMonks Football API.
Supports PSR-18 HTTP clients, PSR-17 HTTP factories, PSR-6 caches and PSR-3 logs.
- PHP 8.1 or higher.
A key is required to be able to make requests to the API. You must sign up for a SportMonks account to get one.
Install the library via Composer:
composer require programmatordev/sportmonksfootball-php-api
Simple usage looks like:
use ProgrammatorDev\SportMonksFootball\SportMonksFootball;
// initialize
$api = new SportMonksFootball('yourapikey');
// get all livescores of the current day
$livescores = $api->livescores()->getAll();
Any form of contribution to improve this library (including requests) will be welcome and appreciated. Make sure to open a pull request or issue.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE file distributed with this source code for further information regarding copyright and licensing.