• 16 Mar 2022 •••
Install Docker-compose (1.29.00 works)
Go to the 'oehmp' folder and run containers:
cp backend/db.sqlite3_empty backend/db.sqlite3
cp env.dev.localhost env.dev
docker-compose -f dev.yml --env-file env.dev up
- Run the shell in Api container . This shell is bash terminal for django backend controll
docker-compose -f dev.yml exec api /bin/bash
and then inside the shell init database and fill it with testdata:
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py makemigrations api
python manage.py makemigrations chat
python manage.py makemigrations common
python manage.py makemigrations appointment
python manage.py makemigrations auth_extend
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py sample
The Django admin is available at
after the restart. Google Chrome may not work correctly in Django Admin, try to use Opera or another browser. -
The Vue.js/Nuxt frontend is available at
after a few minutes, (when the Nuxt server would be compiled) -
Use this commands:
docker-compose -f dev.yml logs -f api
docker-compose -f dev.yml logs -f frontend
for api
and frontend
containers resp. to see logs and debug the application
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it oehealth_api_1 python manage.py migrate
docker exec -it oehealth_api_1 python manage.py createsuperuser --username=dd --email=dd@dd.pt
(enter password twice)
navigate to:
docker-compose up --build api worker
docker-compose up --build frontend
# Everybody up
docker-compose -f docker-compose-staging.yml up -d
# Just trigger certbot
docker-compose -f docker-compose-staging.yml run certbot -it certonly --webroot \
--webroot-path=/var/www/html --email support@odoogap.com --agree-tos \
--no-eff-email --staging -n -d oehealth.promptequation.com
docker exec -it oral-e-health_api_1 python manage.py loaddata /app/demo_data.json