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A (work in progress) Python approach for the evoMIN interface, completely rewritten

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evomin (python)

evomin is a device and platform independent communication protocol with automatic checksum calculation and verification (CRC). The payload is wrapped into a specific protocol to ensure a valid transmission and reception.


Evomin is an abstract class that needs to be implemented by the user, depending on your application. Therefor, override the class:

from evomin.evomin import Evomin

class EvominImpl(Evomin):
    Concrete application side implementation

    def reply_received(self, reply_payload: bytes) -> None:
        print('** Reply received, {ps} bytes **'.format(ps=len(reply_payload)))
        for b in reply_payload:

    def frame_received(self, frame: EvominFrame) -> None:
        print('** Frame received **')
        self.log_debug('[Evomin] EvominFrame received, Command: {}, Payload length: {}'.format(frame.command, frame.payload_length))

        print('Payload: ')
        for b in frame.get_payload():

        # replying happens here using reply(..)

The two abstract methods reply_received and frame_received are callbacks that get automatically called by the protocol whenever there's valid data available.

reply_received(self, reply_payload: bytes) -> None

Gets called when an attached slave has replied. Find the replied payload in payload_bytes.

Note: This is only happening in a master-slave setup, i.e. when using SPI as the low-level transportation layer.

frame_received(self, frame: EvominFrame) -> None:

Gets called when a slave received a frame until the CRC byte from the master in a master-slave setup OR any participant received a complete frame at the end of the EOF byte.

This callback gets called at different states depending on whether the setup is master-slave. If in master-slave setup, the callback is executed right before the reception of the CRC byte, to allow the slave to prepare the answer (i.e. reading and pushing a sensor value).

Communication device

Before initialization, you need to provide an implementation of EvominComInterface. This class acts as the low-level wrapper and is independent to the underlying transportation layer, i.e. UART, SPI, I2C etc.

It features two methods for transportation (send_byte() and receive_byte()) as well as a method called describe() which is used to provide information about the communication layer through the ComDescription tuple. Currently the only valid option for ComDescription is is_master_slave that can either be True or False. For master-slave communication like SPI, choose True, else False (i.e. UART).

send_byte(self, byte: int) -> Optional[int]

Gets called whenever evomin wants to send a byte over the low-level layer. For master-slave communication, it is possible to return a byte from the send_byte() method in order to allow the slave device to reply to a master byte. For a mocked SPI implementation, refer to EvominFakeSPIInterface in

receive_byte(self) -> Generator[int, None, None]:

Gets called by the internal state machine. You need to implement your low-level receiving procedure here in order to receive bytes. For UART this could be reading the DR register of your UART device.

Note: The receive_byte() method is only valid for a non master-slave setup! In a master-slave setup, the received bytes must be read within the send_byte() method as the slave cannot transmit any bytes without a corresponding master byte.

Concrete initialization

As we now have implemented both abstract classes, we can now initialize a Evomin instance.

Initialize an instance of the inherited Evomin interface:

# Initialize evomin communication interface with SPI transport
evomin = EvominImpl(com_interface=EvominFakeSPIInterface())

Defining own commands

You can define your own application dependent commands within the EvominFrameCommandType enumeration, to be found in By default, there are two commands available:

class EvominFrameCommandType(Enum):
    EvominFrameCommandType defines all protocol internal command types.
    These can be extended, but sometimes it's better to use a predefined command and add a payload, than extending
    the command list for every new operation.
    RESERVED: Not used
    SEND_IDN: Used for defining a self identification frame
    RESERVED = 0x00
    SEND_IDN = 0xCD

Feel free to add commands, i.e. LIGHT_ON = 0xA0.

Note: The highest enumeration value must not exceed 255 (0xFF)! This ensures compatibility with the C-API.


All data is sent within a package of bytes, called EvominFrame. A EvominFrame consists of the following bytes:

3 start bytes (SOF)

1 command type byte, i.e. SEND_IDN = 0xCD

1 payload length byte, i.e. 2 bytes

n payload bytes

1 CRC8 checksum byte

2 end of frame bytes (EOF)

Note that this is a minimum frame, there's also a feature called automatic stuff byte insertion, which inserts additional bytes after two consequent 0xAA bytes in the payload to ensure the state machine won't mistake three 0xAAs as the beginning of a new frame. Those stuffed bytes are automatically removed by the protocol on reception and are invisible to the user.

Sending a frame

To send a frame, call evomin.send() and provide the desired command type and the payload as a bytes array, i.e. evomin.send(EvominFrameCommandType.SEND_IDN, bytes([0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xFF])).

Processing data

There's a single method called poll() which needs to be called wherever your application's logic lives, i.e. in your main() loop or in a thread etc. The poll() method performs both, receiving and sending of bytes and frames.

Simple example:

# Polling interface
while True:

Replying (only on a master-slave setup)

To reply directly to master's message, i.e. to reply to a READ_SENSOR message, use the reply() method. This method call needs to be placed inside the frame_received() method inside your concrete implementation of the Evomin class.

def frame_received(self, frame: EvominFrame) -> None:
    print('** Frame received **')
    # Reply with two bytes 0x1 and 0x2
    self.reply(bytes([0x01, 0x02]))

The reply bytes are then transferred to an internal buffer and sent on the next master bytes.


Mocked SPI interface

Master sends a test frame, slave replies with 4 answer bytes

Below is a complete frame with comments to show how evomin performs on a single transfer of 8 bytes from the master and a 4 bytes length reply from the attached slave device.

Note: This excerpt has been simulated using the EvominFakeSPIInterface.

-> Send byte:  170                                  Master -> 0xAA SOF
Received response byte in:  0                       Slave <- dummy byte
-> Send byte:  170                                  Master -> 0xAA SOF
Received response byte in:  1                       Slave <- dummy byte
-> Send byte:  170                                  Master -> 0xAA SOF
Received response byte in:  2                       Slave <- dummy byte
-> Send byte:  205                                  Master -> Command type (CMD_IDN)
Received response byte in:  3                       Slave <- dummy byte
-> Send byte:  8                                    Master -> Payload length (8 bytes)
Received response byte in:  4                       Slave <- dummy byte
-> Send byte:  170                                  Master -> Payload byte #1 (0xAA)
Received response byte in:  5                       Slave <- dummy byte
-> Send byte:  170                                  Master -> Payload byte #2 (0xAA)
Received response byte in:  6                       Slave <- dummy byte
-> Send byte:  85                                   Master -> Automatically inserted stuff byte (not part of payload!)
Received response byte in:  7                       Slave <- dummy byte
-> Send byte:  170                                  Master -> Payload byte #3 (0xAA)
Received response byte in:  8                       ...
-> Send byte:  170                                  Master -> Payload byte #4 (0xAA)
Received response byte in:  9
-> Send byte:  85                                   Master -> Automatically inserted stuff byte (not part of payload!)
Received response byte in:  10
-> Send byte:  170                                  Master -> Payload byte #5 (0xAA)
Received response byte in:  11
-> Send byte:  170                                  Master -> Payload byte #6 (0xAA)
Received response byte in:  12
-> Send byte:  85                                   Master -> Automatically inserted stuff byte (not part of payload!)
Received response byte in:  13
-> Send byte:  187                                  Master -> Payload byte #7
Received response byte in:  14
-> Send byte:  255                                  Master -> Payload byte #8
Received response byte in:  15
-> Send byte:  159                                  Master -> CRC8 checksum (159 dec)
Received response byte in:  241                     Slave <- dummy byte
-> Send byte:  85                                   Master -> EOF #1
Received response byte in:  255                     Slave <- ACK (checksum correct)
-> Send byte:  85                                   Master -> EOF #2
Received response byte in:  4                       Slave <- Number of slave`s answer bytes (reply)
-> Send byte:  240                                  Master -> Dummy byte to keep SPI communication
Received response byte in:  222                     Slave <- Reply byte #1
-> Send byte:  240                                  ...
Received response byte in:  173                     Slave <- Reply byte #2
-> Send byte:  240
Received response byte in:  190                     Slave <- Reply byte #3
-> Send byte:  240
Received response byte in:  239                     Slave <- Reply byte #4
** Reply received, 4 bytes **
-> Send byte:  255                                  Master -> Send ACK to finalize communication


A (work in progress) Python approach for the evoMIN interface, completely rewritten






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