A simple tiff concatenation and filter program for C++ demonstration purposes only.
- libtiff-4.0.3
- C++11 compiler
g++ -ltiff src/main.cpp src/args.cpp src/tiffer.cpp -o tiffer
./tiffer -help
./tiffer -version
./tiffer test/*.tif -output all.tif
./tiffer test/*.tif -output noblank.tif -remove-blank
Concatenate tiff files removing blank pages, omit pages 2,4,5-9 from output, and overwrite existing file:
./tiffer test/*.tif -clobber -output noblank.tif -remove-blank -remove-pages 2,4,5-9
- Tiled tiff files are not supported in this version.
- Some older encodings such as ThuderScan, OJPEG, etc. are not supported.
- Handle tiled images.
- Distinguish between encoded and unencoded files.
- Support older formats.
Some problems have been documented when applying tiffer to sample tif images.