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Merge pull request #34 from hdgarrood/adjust-lcg
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Adjust LCG parameters
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garyb committed Jul 30, 2015
2 parents b15b7c0 + 89a767e commit d06b66d
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Showing 6 changed files with 115 additions and 42 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/Test/
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Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ representing the number of tests which should be run.
#### `quickCheckPure`

``` purescript
quickCheckPure :: forall prop. (Testable prop) => Int -> Int -> prop -> List Result
quickCheckPure :: forall prop. (Testable prop) => Seed -> Int -> prop -> List Result

Test a property, returning all test results as an array.
Expand Down
20 changes: 14 additions & 6 deletions docs/Test/QuickCheck/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -172,21 +172,29 @@ evalGen :: forall a. Gen a -> GenState -> a

Run a random generator, keeping only the randomly-generated result

#### `showSample'`
#### `sample`

``` purescript
showSample' :: forall r a. (Show a) => Size -> Gen a -> Eff (console :: CONSOLE | r) Unit
sample :: forall r a. Seed -> Size -> Gen a -> Array a

Print a random sample to the console
Sample a random generator

#### `showSample`
#### `randomSample'`

``` purescript
showSample :: forall r a. (Show a) => Gen a -> Eff (console :: CONSOLE | r) Unit
randomSample' :: forall r a. Size -> Gen a -> Eff (random :: RANDOM | r) (Array a)

Print a random sample of 10 values to the console
Sample a random generator, using a randomly generated seed

#### `randomSample`

``` purescript
randomSample :: forall r a. Gen a -> Eff (random :: RANDOM | r) (Array a)

Get a random sample of 10 values

#### `uniform`

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45 changes: 35 additions & 10 deletions docs/Test/QuickCheck/
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@@ -1,39 +1,36 @@
## Module Test.QuickCheck.LCG

#### `Seed`

``` purescript
type Seed = Int

#### `lcgM`

``` purescript
lcgM :: Int

A magic constant for the linear congruential generator
The *multiplier*: a magic constant for the linear congruential generator

#### `lcgC`

``` purescript
lcgC :: Int

A magic constant for the linear congruential generator
The *increment*: a magic constant for the linear congruential generator

#### `lcgN`

``` purescript
lcgN :: Int

A magic constant for the linear congruential generator
The *modulus*: a magic constant for the linear congruential generator.
It is equal to 2^31 - 1, a Mersenne prime. It is useful for this value to
be prime, because then the requirement of the initial seed being coprime
to the modulus is satisfied when the seed is between 1 and lcgN - 1.

#### `lcgNext`

``` purescript
lcgNext :: Int -> Int
lcgNext :: Seed -> Seed

Step the linear congruential generator
Expand All @@ -46,4 +43,32 @@ randomSeed :: forall e. Eff (random :: RANDOM | e) Seed

Create a random seed

#### `Seed`

``` purescript
newtype Seed

A seed for the linear congruential generator. We omit a `Semiring`
instance because there is no `zero` value, as 0 is not an acceptable
seed for the generator.

##### Instances
``` purescript
instance showSeed :: Show Seed
instance eqSeed :: Eq Seed

#### `mkSeed`

``` purescript
mkSeed :: Int -> Seed

#### `runSeed`

``` purescript
runSeed :: Seed -> Int

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Test/QuickCheck.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ quickCheck' n prop = do
-- |
-- | The first argument is the _random seed_ to be passed to the random generator.
-- | The second argument is the number of tests to run.
quickCheckPure :: forall prop. (Testable prop) => Int -> Int -> prop -> List Result
quickCheckPure :: forall prop. (Testable prop) => Seed -> Int -> prop -> List Result
quickCheckPure s n prop = evalGen (replicateM n (test prop)) { newSeed: s, size: 10 }

-- | The `Testable` class represents _testable properties_.
Expand Down
31 changes: 18 additions & 13 deletions src/Test/QuickCheck/Gen.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,14 +22,15 @@ module Test.QuickCheck.Gen
, evalGen
, perturbGen
, uniform
, showSample
, showSample'
, sample
, randomSample
, randomSample'
) where

import Prelude

import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff())
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (CONSOLE(), print)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Random (RANDOM())
import Data.Array ((!!), length, range)
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.Int (fromNumber, toNumber)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,21 +149,23 @@ evalGen :: forall a. Gen a -> GenState -> a
evalGen gen st = (runGen gen st).value

-- | Sample a random generator
sample :: forall r a. Size -> Gen a -> Array a
sample sz g = evalGen (vectorOf sz g) { newSeed: zero, size: sz }
sample :: forall r a. Seed -> Size -> Gen a -> Array a
sample seed sz g = evalGen (vectorOf sz g) { newSeed: seed, size: sz }

-- | Print a random sample to the console
showSample' :: forall r a. (Show a) => Size -> Gen a -> Eff (console :: CONSOLE | r) Unit
showSample' n g = print $ sample n g
-- | Sample a random generator, using a randomly generated seed
randomSample' :: forall r a. Size -> Gen a -> Eff (random :: RANDOM | r) (Array a)
randomSample' n g = do
seed <- randomSeed
return $ sample seed n g

-- | Print a random sample of 10 values to the console
showSample :: forall r a. (Show a) => Gen a -> Eff (console :: CONSOLE | r) Unit
showSample = showSample' 10
-- | Get a random sample of 10 values
randomSample :: forall r a. Gen a -> Eff (random :: RANDOM | r) (Array a)
randomSample = randomSample' 10

-- | A random generator which simply outputs the current seed
lcgStep :: Gen Int
lcgStep = Gen f where
f s = { value: s.newSeed, state: s { newSeed = lcgNext s.newSeed } }
f s = { value: runSeed s.newSeed, state: s { newSeed = lcgNext s.newSeed } }

-- | A random generator which approximates a uniform random variable on `[0, 1]`
uniform :: Gen Number
Expand All @@ -172,7 +175,9 @@ foreign import float32ToInt32 :: Number -> Int

-- | Perturb a random generator by modifying the current seed
perturbGen :: forall a. Number -> Gen a -> Gen a
perturbGen n (Gen f) = Gen $ \s -> f (s { newSeed = lcgNext (float32ToInt32 n) + s.newSeed })
perturbGen n (Gen f) = Gen $ \s -> f (s { newSeed = perturb s.newSeed })
perturb oldSeed = mkSeed (runSeed (lcgNext (mkSeed (float32ToInt32 n))) + runSeed oldSeed)

instance functorGen :: Functor Gen where
map f (Gen g) = Gen $ \s -> case g s of
Expand Down
57 changes: 46 additions & 11 deletions src/Test/QuickCheck/LCG.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
module Test.QuickCheck.LCG
( Seed()
, mkSeed
, runSeed
, lcgM
, lcgC
, lcgN
Expand All @@ -16,24 +18,57 @@ import Data.Int (fromNumber, toNumber)
import Data.Int.Bits (shl)
import qualified Data.Maybe.Unsafe as U

type Seed = Int

-- | A magic constant for the linear congruential generator
-- | The *multiplier*: a magic constant for the linear congruential generator
lcgM :: Int
lcgM = 1103515245
lcgM = 48271

-- | A magic constant for the linear congruential generator
-- | The *increment*: a magic constant for the linear congruential generator
lcgC :: Int
lcgC = 12345
lcgC = 0

-- | A magic constant for the linear congruential generator
-- | The *modulus*: a magic constant for the linear congruential generator.
-- | It is equal to 2^31 - 1, a Mersenne prime. It is useful for this value to
-- | be prime, because then the requirement of the initial seed being coprime
-- | to the modulus is satisfied when the seed is between 1 and lcgN - 1.
lcgN :: Int
lcgN = one `shl` 30
lcgN = 2147483647

-- | Step the linear congruential generator
lcgNext :: Int -> Int
lcgNext n = U.fromJust $ fromNumber $ (toNumber lcgM * toNumber n + toNumber lcgC) % toNumber lcgN
lcgNext :: Seed -> Seed
lcgNext = Seed <<< go <<< runSeed
go n = U.fromJust $ fromNumber $ (toNumber lcgM * toNumber n + toNumber lcgC) % toNumber lcgN

-- | Create a random seed
randomSeed :: forall e. Eff (random :: RANDOM | e) Seed
randomSeed = randomInt 0 lcgM
randomSeed = mkSeed <$> randomInt seedMin seedMax

-- | The minimum permissible Seed value.
seedMin :: Int
seedMin = 1

-- | The maximum permissible Seed value.
seedMax :: Int
seedMax = lcgM - 1

-- | A seed for the linear congruential generator. We omit a `Semiring`
-- | instance because there is no `zero` value, as 0 is not an acceptable
-- | seed for the generator.
newtype Seed = Seed Int

mkSeed :: Int -> Seed
mkSeed x = Seed (ensureBetween seedMin seedMax x)

runSeed :: Seed -> Int
runSeed (Seed x) = x

ensureBetween :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
ensureBetween min max n =
let rangeSize = max - min
in (((n `mod` rangeSize) + rangeSize) `mod` rangeSize) + min

instance showSeed :: Show Seed where
show (Seed x) = "Seed " <> show x

instance eqSeed :: Eq Seed where
eq (Seed x) (Seed y) = eq x y

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