A CLI to convert CSV to GeoJSON from a file, folder or URL.
Get the binaries (64 bits) for Linux, Windows and macOS here.
$csv2geojson -h
Usage: csv2geojson [-options] <input> [output]
-delimiter: Delimiter character (default ",")
-long: Name of the column containing the longitude coordinates. If not provided, will try to guess
-lat: Name of the column containing the latitude coordinates. If not provided, will try to guess
-keep: (y/n) If set to "y" and the input CSV is an URL, keep the input CSV file on disk (default "n")
-threads: Number of threads (used when converting more than one file) (default "1")
-suffix: Suffix to add to the name of output GeoJSON file(s)
# Simplest way
$csv2geojson data.csv
The GeoJSON file data.geojson was successfully created.
In this case csv2geojson will try to guess which fields contain the longitude and latitude coordinates. Also, if [output] is omitted, the output GeoJSON file gets the same name as the input CSV file.
# Complete way
$csv2geojson -delimiter ; -long field4 -lat field3 data_fr.csv pois
The GeoJSON file pois.geojson was successfully created.
If the fields of the input CSV file are not separated by commas, use the -delimiter option. If the fields containing the longitude and latitude don't have a explicit name, use the -long and -lat options. Explicit names are: 'longitude', 'long', 'lon', 'lng' and 'x' for the longitude. 'latitude', 'lat' and 'y' for the latitude (case insensitive).
$csv2geojson -delimiter \t ..\coords_tab.txt
The GeoJSON file ..\coords_tab.geojson was successfully created.
csv2geojson can also convert tab separated text files. Options can be entered in any order. The input CSV file doesn't need to be in the current folder. It can be a relative or absolute path.
$csv2geojson -keep y https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/all_month.csv
The GeoJSON file all_month.geojson was successfully created.
-keep y saves the downloaded CSV. By default, it is not saved.
# The folder 'data' contains 5 CSV files: zone_A1, zone_A2, zone_A3, zone_B1 and zone_B2.
$csv2geojson -threads 3 data
The GeoJSON file data\zone_A3.geojson was successfully created.
The GeoJSON file data\zone_A2.geojson was successfully created.
The GeoJSON file data\zone_A1.geojson was successfully created.
The GeoJSON file data\zone_B1.geojson was successfully created.
The GeoJSON file data\zone_B2.geojson was successfully created.
When converting multiple files, using the option -threads can make it faster. In this case, the order in which the files are converted is not guaranteed to always be the same.
$csv2geojson data\*B*
The GeoJSON file data\zone_B1.geojson was successfully created.
The GeoJSON file data\zone_B2.geojson was successfully created.
- csv2geojson (Javascript)
- ogr2ogr2