Python utility to compile automatically to a javascript file all the underscore.js templates in a directory.
The script is constantly observing changes in some of the templates files. When some of the templates files are edited, the script automatically compile all the templates in one javascript file. [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [--remove-whitespaces]
[--path-to-underscorejs PATH_TO_UNDERSCOREJS]
[--template-extension TEMPLATE_EXTENSION]
[--browser BROWSER]
[--evaluate-pattern EVALUATE_PATTERN]
[--escape-pattern ESCAPE_PATTERN]
[--interpolate-pattern INTERPOLATE_PATTERN]
Compile all underscore templates in a directory
positional arguments:
template_dir Template directory
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Path to javascript file for writing the compiled
--remove-whitespaces Condense whitespaces
--requirejs Template should be requirejs compliant
--path-to-underscorejs PATH_TO_UNDERSCOREJS
Path to underscore.js library
--template-extension TEMPLATE_EXTENSION
Extension file of templates
--browser BROWSER, -b BROWSER
Browser name
--evaluate-pattern EVALUATE_PATTERN
Evaluate pattern
--escape-pattern ESCAPE_PATTERN
Escape pattern
--interpolate-pattern INTERPOLATE_PATTERN
Interpolate pattern