description |
Need some quick cash? |
- Players can go to the pawn shop and sell items or melt them down to earn other reward items.
{% hint style="success" %} The pawnshop can be open all the time or only between configured times! {% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %} Players can obtain items for the pawnshop through and {% endhint %}
Config = {}
Config.PawnLocation = vector3(412.34, 314.81, 103.13) -- interaction point
Config.BankMoney = false -- pay player in bank or set to false for cash
Config.UseTimes = false -- Set to false if you want the pawnshop open 24/7
Config.TimeOpen = 7 -- Opening Time
Config.TimeClosed = 17 -- Closing Time
Config.SendMeltingEmail = true -- enable/disable email when melting finished
Config.PawnItems = { -- items that can be sold to the pawnshop
[1] = {
item = "goldchain", -- item name
price = math.random(50,100) -- item sale price
[2] = {
item = "diamond_ring",
price = math.random(50,100)
[3] = {
item = "rolex",
price = math.random(50,100)
[4] = {
item = "10kgoldchain",
price = math.random(50,100)
[5] = {
item = "tablet",
price = math.random(50,100)
[6] = {
item = "iphone",
price = math.random(50,100)
[7] = {
item = "samsungphone",
price = math.random(50,100)
[8] = {
item = "laptop",
price = math.random(50,100)
Config.MeltingItems = { -- items able to be melted
[1] = {
item = "goldchain", -- item name to melt
rewards = {
[1] = {
item = "goldbar", -- reward item name
amount = 2 -- reward item amount
meltTime = 0.15 -- time in minutes for melting to complete