fawatcher is an useful cross-platform command tool which will trigger the user's specified command when the watched files and pathes change. Thanks for the awesome library written in Go fsnotify.
Go 1.18 or newer.
git clone https://github.com/qshuai/fswatcher.git $GOPATH/src/github.com/qshuai/fswatcher
cd GOPATH/src/github.com/qshuai/fswatcher
go mod download
# please ensure the $GOPATH/bin is in your $PATH environment
go install
> fswatcher --help
fswatcher watches the specified files or directories, and any changing event will trigger the user's command
fswatcher [flags]
fswatcher -c 'echo ***' /tmp/foo
-c, --command string the command to execute when change event notified
-h, --help help for fswatcher
-i, --ignore strings comma separated list of files and paths to ignore
-v, --interval string the user command only executes once during an interval, 0 represents every event will trigger the execution of user's command
-n, --notify enable system notify while event triggered (NOT IMPLEMENT)
-r, --recursive watch folders recursively (default true)
--version version for fswatcher
fswatcher -c "git add . && git commit -m 'update' && git push origin master" .