The original source tvshowtime-plex-scrobbler hasn't gotten any updates, is requires you to run on the same machine as Plex server and requires to set Plex logging to DEBUG
level, which causes a lot of data.
tvtime-plex-scrobbler provides a set of scripts that allow you to scrobble played episodes items to TVShow Time from the Plex Media Server application. tvtime-plex-scrobbler was built to run across platforms, while it has not yet been tested on Windows, it should work.
A few points
- tvtime-plex-scrobbler is an out of process tool. Meaning it is not a Plex Media Server plug-in. This tool runs separately of your Plex Media Server.
- Uses python standard library. Python 2.7 is the only requirement to run this application
- Uses Plex API to retrieve the recently watched episodes
- Does not differentiate between clients. Meaning all media played, will be scrobbled.
- Install Python 2.7.x from . Ensure you enable the option to install Python to the system/site path.
- Download the zip of tvtime-plex-scrobbler from .
- unzip archive to a location
The tvtime-plex-scrobbler configuration file (plex_tvst_scrobbler.conf) is in the conf directory. The following configuration values are available.
If you're running Plex Media Server on a Linux based operating system, things should work out of the box.
# REQUIRED: mediaserver_url is the location of the http service exposed by Plex Media Server
# the default values should be 'ok', assuming you're running the plex scrobble
# script from the same server as your plex media server
mediaserver_url = http://localhost:32400
# REQUIRED: Where do you wish to write the plex-tvst-scrobbler log file.
log_file = /tmp/plex_tvst_scrobbler.log
# OPTIONAL: Where do you wish to write the token used for authorizing access to
# you TVShow Time account
session = /tmp/plex_tvst_scrobbler_session_key
# OPTIONAL: Where do you wish to write the access token used for authenticating
# to the plex API
plex_access_token_location = /tmp/plex_tvst_scrobbler_plex_access_token
# OPTIONAL: mediaserver_log_location references the log file location of the plex media server
# the default under /var/lib/... is the default install of plex media server on
# a Linux system. You may wish to change this value to reference your OS install.
#mediaserver_log_location = /path/to/plex/media/server/log
On first run you will be prompted to authenticate and grant access to your Plex and TV Time account. Visit the URL generated by tvtime-plex-scrobbler and follow the prompts to grant access to the application.
$ python
== Requesting Requesting access token from ==
Enter username:
Enter password:
== Requesting auth ==
Please do the following to authorize the scrobbler:
1/ Connect on
2/ Enter the code: xxxx-xxxx
Have you authorized me [y/N] :
Once this is complete, please run the program again to sync. The program will exit once it have sync finish.
$ python
You can use scheduler or cronjob to schedule the program to run every hour.
- If you're experiencing authentication issues (appearing in plex_tvst_scrobbler.log), remove the session files and run the program to setup the authentication.
The project was forked from and edited.