Execution File (Windows 64-bit)
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This release contains many optimizations and bug fixes for all cryptonight currencies.
The auto configuration for AMD devices creates now double thread configs and the performance for OpenCL for these configs is due to the new interleave option strongly increased.
You can find basic fine-tuning tips for this option here.
The new experimental option auto_tune simplify scanning for the best intensity value.
Config files from 2.5.X are compatible and 2.4.X or older are NOT compatible to this release.
If you remove the old amd.txt file you will get a new version with new tuning parameter.
- Major optimisations to cnv8 and heavy
- OpenCL: auto tuning option fireice-uk#2114
- OpenCl: fix NVIDIA backend amd bug fireice-uk#2113
- OpenCL: auto config two threads per GPU fireice-uk#2110
- fix clamp implementation backend amd bug
- OpenCL: opimize reciprocal calculation fireice-uk#2104
- OpenCL: comp mode optimization fireice-uk#2102
- update currencies fireice-uk#2101
- OpenCL: thread interleaving fireice-uk#2100 fireice-uk#2115 fireice-uk#2105
- OpenCl: optimize strided index 1 fireice-uk#2089
- OpenCL: add strided_index 3 fireice-uk#2088
- OpenCL: cnv8 optimization fireice-uk#2087
- OpenCl: optimize cn-v8 div fireice-uk#2086
- OpenCL: optimize cn-heavy div fireice-uk#2085
- AMD: use more 32bit operations fireice-uk#2084
- OpenCL reduce API overhead fireice-uk#2081
- OpenCL: reduce local mem footprint fireice-uk#2080
- CUDA: optimize cn-v8 div fireice-uk#2079
- CUDA: reduce cn-v8 shared mem footprint fireice-uk#2078
- CUDA: optimize cn-heavy div fireice-uk#2077
A special thank you goes to @SChernykh for the thread interleaving and optimization of the division in cryptonight_v8 and cryptonight_heavy.
Necessary prerequisites for Windows
If the application does not start properly, please make sure that Visual Studio libraries are installed.
You can download them from https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=746572