There are only 2 major Competitive coding websites for a user base of more than a million, so obviously this particular market is yet to be completely utilized. GoCode is built with the exact same intention of exploiting this user base. Along with the orthodox features of solving coding problems we plan on adding some cool features which we hope to attract the existing coders as well as the beginners.
- features:
- Problem Space
- Contest Space
- Personal Development Space
- Coding Space
- Playlist space
- User Space
Some basic Git commands are:
$ git clone
$ cd project
install node
### frontend
$ npm i
$ npm start
->if failed
$ Delete node modules and try again
### backend
$ npm i
$ npm start
->if failed
$ Delete node modules and try again
$ npm run start:production
- For testing the app, make sure you are using the test DB(check index.js)
- Now go to the backend/ directory, use
mocha test/<file_name.js> --timeout 100000