I'm a Software Developer, Hackathonist and Math Student at Technical University of Munich . I have experience in Python, JavaScript, Java, C++, SQL, HTML, and CSS, and I'm always eager to learn more.
"Team Smiley" is a group of students specializing in the development of machine learning and AI applications for workflow optimization. As a software development talent pool, we rely on highly qualified development teams and use the latest technologies to develop tailored solutions that make work processes more efficient and successful. Despite our young age, we have already gained extensive experience in software development and machine learning and are able to offer innovative and powerful solutions. We are proud to be part of "Team Smiley" and look forward to contributing our skills and ideas to future projects.
- PigeonPost - A versatile standalone python web framework
- General Data Science, ML and AI principles
- Mathematics... there's always more of it to learn
- Python
- Neural Networks and Machine Learning
- JavaScript
- Java
- C/C++
Thanks for visiting my profile!