This repository contains React components for a simple music list application. It includes a Navbar component and a Card component.
The Navbar component displays the title of the application and a favorite counter. It takes a prop dataValue which is an array of music items. It renders the title "music" along with an icon, and a favorite counter showing the number of items marked as favorite. Currently, two official plugins are available:
The Card component displays individual music items with their artist, song, and image. It also includes a button to add the item to favorites. It takes props value, setValue, and index.
value: An object representing a music item with properties artist, song, imgSrc, and addToFav. setValue: A function to handle changes in the parent component when the favorite button is clicked. index: The index of the music item in the list.
- @vitejs/plugin-react uses Babel for Fast Refresh
- @vitejs/plugin-react-swc uses SWC for Fast Refresh