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Pure Python implementation of JSONata.

This is a Python port of the JSONata reference implementation, and also borrows from the Dashjoin Java port.

This implementation supports 100% of the language features of JSONata, with no external dependencies. The JSONata documentation can be found here.


pip install jsonata-python

Getting Started

A very simple start:

>>> import jsonata
>>> data = {"example": [{"value": 4}, {"value": 7}, {"value": 13}]}
>>> expr = jsonata.Jsonata("$sum(example.value)")
>>> result = expr.evaluate(data)
>>> result

Command Line Interface

The CLI provides the same functionality as the Dashjoin JSONata CLI.

% python3 -m jsonata.cli
usage: jsonata.cli [-h] [-v] [-e <file>] [-i <arg>] [-ic <arg>] [-f {auto,json,string}] [-o <arg>] [-oc <arg>] [-time] [-c] [-b <json-string>]
                   [-bf <file>] [-it]

Pure Python JSONata CLI

positional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -e <file>, --expression <file>
                        JSON expression to evaluate.
  -i <arg>, --input <arg>
                        JSON input file (- for stdin)
  -ic <arg>, --icharset <arg>
                        Input character set (default=utf-8)
  -f {auto,json,string}, --format {auto,json,string}
                        Input format (default=auto)
  -o <arg>, --output <arg>
                        JSON output file (- for stdin)
  -oc <arg>, --ocharset <arg>
                        Output character set (default=utf-8)
  -time                 Print performance timers to stderr
  -c, --compact         Compact JSON output (don't prettify)
  -b <json-string>, --bindings <json-string>
                        JSONata variable bindings
  -bf <file>, --bindings-file <file>
                        JSONata variable bindings file
  -it, --interactive    Interactive REPL


% echo '{"a":"hello", "b":" world"}' | python3 -m jsonata.cli '(a & b)'
hello world

% echo '{"a":"hello", "b":" world"}' | python3 -m jsonata.cli -o helloworld.json $
# helloworld.json written

% ls | python3 -m jsonata.cli $

% ps -o pid="",%cpu="",%mem="" | python3 -m jsonata.cli '$.$split(/\n/).$trim().[ $split(/\s+/)[$length()>0].$number() ]' -c

% curl -s | python3 -m jsonata.cli '{"Name": FirstName & " " & Surname, "Cities": **.City, "Emails": Email[type="home"].address}'
  "Name": "Fred Smith",
  "Cities": [
  "Emails": [

Running Tests

This project uses the repository of the reference implementation as a submodule. This allows referencing the current version of the unit tests. To clone this repository, run:

git clone --recurse-submodules

To build and run the unit tests:

python3 -m pip install nox
nox --sessions tests


JSONata date/time functions that use ISO 8601 formats are only supported with Python 3.11+.