Desription: The project contains schemas describing meta-information for various deployed data sources (sensors/actuators, devices, virtual sensors etc.). The schemas are described in json-schema format. Resource catalog stores the information about each device (also referred to as catalog item). The structure of information contained in each item is specified by a json-schema (specified in this project). Apart from specifying a structure of the catalog item, the schemas are also used to validate this item before storing into the catalog using json-schema validator tools.
Directory structure:
Base directory contains all the schema files and the associated definition files.
./example_items: This directory contains sample items for various devices ./skeleton_items: This directory contains the skeleton_item files for each json schema. A skeleton item contains the minimum required number of fields for a given schema (mandatory fields). These files are provided to help a user create its own device item using a given skeleton file as a start point.
Validator script. For example, to validate a given catalogue item: python example_items/ex_cdx_streetlight_item.json