Repo for the publication "Sampling rates for passive samplers exposed to a field-relevant peak of 42 organic pesticides"
This repo contains the R code and data for the related publication published in Science of the Total Environment
R code (RMarkdown document) written by Verena C. Schreiner and Mira Kattwinkel, revised by Stefan Kunz and Ralf B. Schäfer
R_Schreiner_sampling_rates: Provides R code to model sampling rates, run the analyses and generate the plots presented in the manuscript and the SI
Schreiner_sampling_rates_all_data: Raw data of cumulated compound mass on the SDB disks and water concentrations and all other data sets in spreadsheet format
Code_SDB: Translation of codes of SDB disks
Code_Water: Translation of codes of water samples
Info_compounds: Compound properties for pesticides of this study
Results_EQuan: Water concentrations analysed via large volume injection
Results_SDB: Pesticide masses sorbed to SDB disks
Results_SPE: Water concentrations analysed using SPE
Rs_previous publications: Sampling rates compiled from previous publications