My machine setup automated with Ansible.
Download repo:
curl -L | tar xz
Install ansible via homebrew:
/usr/bin/env ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install ansible
Run playbook:
cd deployment
ansible-playbook -i local macbook.yml -K -e "github_email=<GITHUB_EMAIL>"
Install ansible via pip:
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-setuptools
pip install --user wheel ansible
Run playbook:
cd deployment
ansible-playbook -i local ubuntu.yml -K -e "github_email=<GITHUB_EMAIL>"
- Enable infinite scroll in terminator (ubuntu)
- Install Chrome and Slack (ubuntu)
- Make bash default shell with
chsh -s /bin/bash
(macOS) - Create ssh keys for github accounts (both)
- Install the Sublime license (both)
The Sublime Install Package Control task (deployment/roles/common/tasks/sublime.yml
) will fail the first time because the ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/
directory on macOS and ~/.config/sublime-text-3/
on Ubuntu aren't created until the first time you open Sublime Text. So for now, open Sublime and re-run the playbook.
For Ubuntu, your user is added to the docker
group but in order for it to take affect you have to logout and log back in.
For macOS, installing virtualbox will fail the first time because of macOS's security settings. After this step fails go into Security settings and enable Oracle then re-run the playbook.