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This release contains information on Australia's geocoded address file, The Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF). The G-NAF contains more than thirteen million records on physical Australian addresses and only contains geocode information(latitude/longitude map coordinates), no names or personal information are given.
The included data is provided by PSMA Australia Limited(PSMA), which is a public company hosted by the nine governments of Australia. This specific data is hosted by the Australian Government Data website, which includes thousands of other datasets and API enabled resources on various subjects. If you want to learn more or explore other datasets, visit the Australian Government Data Homepage and the PSMA Homepage.
This resource is provided in the TXT, PDF, SQL, PSV, and CSV formats.
- Source: Australian Government
- Australian Government Data Homepage
- End User License Agreement
- Frequency: Quarterly
- Formats: TXT, PDF, SQL, PSV, CSV
- If you find any issues with or have enhancement ideas for this product, open up a GitHub issue and we will gladly take a look at it. Better yet, submit a pull request. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated ❤️.
- If you are looking for specific open datasets currently not available on ADX, please submit a request on our project board here.
- If you have questions about the source data, please contact
- If you have any other questions or feedback, send us an email at
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