I'm going to leave this up for reference but the strategy mapped out here no longer works. LunarVim changed the way it loads lv-config.lua so the method here no longer works.
This project is a way to manage LunarVim configuration files. The approach is to use a external git repository or a git submodule to separate out the two concerns: user-specific configuration from LunarVim core configuration. This means a user can create their own configuration files in their own repos. Changes will be tracked in their own git submodule.
Having a separate repo also enables users to share configurations with one another. It means we might also create a marketplace for different modes: web development, script-writing, document creation, etc.
Modes can easily be switched by changing a symlink to a different folder. As long as it contains a init.lua file, it will work
First install LunarVim
This is one of two methods to install. This method will put lunarvim user configuration files in ~/.config/lunarvim using a regular git repository. This method is easier to use and less confusing than using git submodules. The downside of this approach is that you won't get autocomplete for the global object 'O' ('O' exposes internal LunarVim settings)
Clone this repository to the ~/.config folder
git clone https://github.com/rebuilt/lv-user-config.git ~/.config/lunarvim
Back up your lv-config.lua file
mv ~/.config/nvim/lv-config.lua PATH_OF_YOUR_CHOICE
Then create the symlinks
ln -s ~/.config/nvim/lua/lv-user-config/current/init.lua ~/.config/nvim/lv-config.lua
ln -s ~/.config/lunarvim/ ~/.config/nvim/lua/lv-user-config
Install plugins
This method requires you to put a git directory inside another git directory as a submodule. It's more complicated to use but you will get autocomplete on the global object 'O'.
Clone this repository as a submodule inside LunarVim
cd ~/.config/nvim/lua && git submodule add -f https://github.com/rebuilt/lv-user-config.git
Back up your lv-config.lua file
mv ~/.config/nvim/lv-config.lua PATH_OF_YOUR_CHOICE
Create a symlink to hook up the main configuration file
ln -s ~/.config/nvim/lua/lv-user-config/current/init.lua ~/.config/nvim/lv-config.lua
Install plugins
The new git submodule will be located in ~/.config/nvim/lua/lv-user-config/
Files/Folders | Description |
current | This is a symlink that points to the set of configurations you'd like to use. It points to the 'example' folder. To use another set of configurations, point the symlink to another folder. This way you can easily switch between 'modes', or try out someone else's set of configurations |
init.lua | init.lua is the main file that will be sourced. This is the only required file. The example project shows you how you might split up your configuration into different files |
example | The files in this folder demonstrate how to split your configuration into multiple files. Do not write your configuration here. Copy the folder instead. Otherwise, if you want to pull updates, you may get conflicts. |
Remove the 'current' symlink
rm current
Define a new symlink
ln -s <directory> current
There is a command-line utility to switch between different modes. To use, run:
If you have a configuration you're proud of, create a pull request and I'll add your configs for others to use
If you were one of the first people to clone the repo, your git submodule will be named lv-user-configs (plural). LunarVim has decided to go with the singular: lv-user-config . So, to make sure the git submodule is correctly ignored, change the name of the folder to lv-user-config. You will also need to rename all instances of lv-user-configs to singular in init.lua and plugins.lua