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Saucey edited this page Dec 25, 2017 · 5 revisions

DarkerDiscord by Saucey#5991

Saucey's Dark Theme is a darker version of discord, keeping the same look, but darker elements and more squareish elements. Join the support server here - Support Server


To change how the theme looks, paste the content below into your custom CSS, and change the values to change the way the theme looks! (Read the comments on each variable to see what it does)

body {
    --avatars: 10%; /* Set to "10%" if you want square pfps "50%" for round */
    --borders: 1; /* Set to "0" for round borders, "1" for square */
    --chatanim: 0; /* Change to "1" to enable a chat animation when clicking into a chat "0" to disable */
    --chatspacing: 15px; /* Spacing between messages 15px for default, 10px for closer) */
    --titlebar: #1f1f1f; /* Changes the color of the titlebar #1f1f1f default */
    --chatbackground: #2b2b2b; /* Color of the main chatroom background #2b2b2b default */
    --channellistcolor: #191919; /* Color of the channel list/user list and friends list #191919 default */
    --guildlistcolor: #1f1f1f; /* Color of the guild list #1f1f1f default */
    --accentcolor: #7289da; /* Changes the secondary color #7289da default discord color #c95738 for a nice orange */


Discord Guilds Options Profile menu

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