I’m a UK-based physician and self-taught programmer (#clinicianwhocodes) with a keen interest in the intersections of healthcare, technology, and data science. I use my skills in software development and my clinical experience to facilitate in-silico neuroinformatics research and to build websites/apps that improve the delivery of healthcare in the UK.
🔬 Primary Interests: Neuroinformatics (i.e., connectomics), AI in healthcare, improving accessibility of medical careers
💻 Tech Stack: PHP (Laravel), Vue 3, TypeScript, Vite/Webpack, Popular CSS Frameworks, Python, MATLAB
🌐 Focus: Website and app development
I'm exploring a career where clinical work and technology are balanced and combined. I want to use technology to develop solutions that are technically sound and have clinical utility.
- Frontend: Vue 3, TypeScript, Vite, Webpack, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap CSS
- Backend: PHP (Laravel), SQL, Docker, GraphQL, Nextcloud
- In-silico research: Python (e.g., Scikit-learn, scipy), MATLAB (e.g., Brain Connectivity toolbox), Unix commands
- Clinical & Research Interests: Neuroinformatics, Clinical AI, Medical education (i.e., widening access to medical school)
Explore some of my work:
This type of work usually involves private codebases. I'll update this list with public work when I can!
The below work was produced as part of a post-graduate course. They aim to reproduce and expand existing literature.
- Integrate-and-fire neuronal models with hetereogeneity - [Coursework, 2022] Modelling the effect of hetereogenous neuronal populations on spiking behaviour using an integrate-and-fire model.
- Delays in activity-based neural networks - [Poster, 2022] Modelling the effect of adding time delays to the Wilson-Cowan model of neural networks.
- Head direction (HD) neurones - [Presentation, 2022] A computational model of spatial orientation.
- The process of learning - "synaptic caching" - [Paper, 2022 (unpublished)] A computational model that explores how the brain may learn in an energy-efficient manner.
- Developing online apps for disadvantaged young people applying to medical school - to overcome nepotism and improve social mobility [AIMS.Guide].
- Neuroinformatics research, particularly connectomics to reveal non-invasive biomarkers of brain disease/altered brain states.
- Building frontend/backend tools for a well-known Royal College.
Feel free to reach out if you're interested in collaborating on healthcare technology, neuroinformatics, or innovative web/app development projects. I’m always keen to discuss new ideas.