A PHP abstraction library for JavaScript charting.
To run the example, you need the following dependencies:
Jquery - http://jquery.com JQPlot or Flot - http://www.jqplot.com ; http://www.flotcharts.org Flot Bubbles - https://github.com/ubermajestix/flot-plugins
Unpack all the files into php enabled web server such as apache or nginx.
Run the following commands to get the javascript dependencies.
mkdir js
git clone git://github.com/flot/flot.git js/flot
git clone git://github.com/jonmchan/jqplot.git js/jqplot
git clone https://github.com/ubermajestix/flot-plugins js/flot-bubbles
Load example.php in your browser.
Api Documentation is available using phpDocumentor.
Install phpDocumentor with PEAR using the instructions on the site. In order to generate documentation, use the following command:
phpdoc -d src -t docs
You can now view documentation in your browser at localhost/Altamira/docs (assuming you can do that with localhost/Altamira/example.php).