- grunt-contrib-htmlmin
- grunt-contrib-less
- grunt-contrib-concat
- grunt-contrib-cssmin
- grunt-uncss
- grunt-merge-json
- grunt-jsonmin
- grunt-contrib-uglify
- grunt-newer
- grunt-contrib-watch
- jquery 1.11.2
- bootstrap 3.3.2
- angular 1.3.11
- Open a new terminal window on the folder AngularDraft_Grunt and run this command npm install to install all the dependencies inside the file package.json needed for Grunt and Grunt Task's to run.
- Executing the command grunt, will create a new folder 'dest/..' with the project optimized.
- A folder named _temp/deletable/.. will also be created in the root project, this folder can be deleted.
- This command will install the http-server globally.
- For the app to work you need a http-server and if you dont have one installed, this command will fix that.
- Check more documentation about http-server here: https://github.com/nodeapps/http-server
- On the newly created folder named dest open a terminal windows and run the http-server command to start the simple http-server on that folder. =======