Harness for full-integration testing of Restyled.io.
Create a .env
file with
- RSA key for our Development GitHub Appbase64 < path/to/rsa | tr -d '\n'
- token for our ngrok account
Build release-candidate images from sibling directories
(cd ../restyler && make image.build IMAGE_TAG=:rc) (cd ../restyled.io && make image.build LOCAL_IMAGE=restyled/restyled.io:rc)
NOTE: The currently-released
tags of individual Restylers are always pulled and used. Therefore, do not use this Harness to test local changes within any given Restyler. -
Start a complete local instance of Restyled.io
docker-compose up -d
Run the QA test(s)
Stop your local instance
docker-compose down