Use the package manager pip to install the necessary packages to run food classification.
pip install flask~=2.0.1
pip install werkzeug~=2.0.1
pip install matplotlib~=3.3.4
pip install numpy~=1.19.5
pip install tensorflow-gpu~=2.5.0
pip install scikit-learn~=0.24.2
NVIDIA Driver Version: 460.84
CUDA Version: 11.2
Food-11 Image Dataset from Kaggle was used as the dataset. You can access it from the link below.
You need to create the
script by referring to the
class AllConstant:
def __init__(self):
self.train_set = r""
self.validation_set = r""
self.evaluation_set = r""
self.checkpoints_path = r""
self.input_shape = (224, 224)
self.weight_path = r"" = 0.0001
self.batch_size = 32
self.epochs = 750
self.train = False
self.predict = True
self.evaluation = False
self.model_type = "VGG19" # "VGG16"
self.predict_path = r""
You can edit the relevant places for your parameters.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.